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(Remember, I'm Canadian so Thanksgiving is in October unlike America... if you Canadian, we cool, if you American, we also cool, if you from anywhere else, we cool)

A month passed.
Andy and Adam did get jobs.


"Noooo, don't goooo." Peter whined, holding on to Andy.
"Don't worry, I'll be back in two days, I'm just spending Thanksgiving with my family... like you should be." Andy sighed.
"They're dead, I killed them."
Andy pushed Petet off.
"I'm joking, I just don't like them." Peter laughed.
"Don't joke around like that, I'll be back on Monday." "I'll be so bored and lonely with out you!" "I'll make sure to call you."
Andy kissed Peter on the cheek.
"Good bye." "Bye..."
Peter full on cried.


Andy made it to the house where all his other family members were.
He walked in and greeted everyone before going to his old bedroom... Little thing about Andy, he's terrified of porcelain (did I spell that right?) dolls.
His old room was filled with the porcelain dolls that his mother kept in the attic.
Andy screamed and slammed the door shut.
He ran downstairs and hugged his older sister Ava.
"Bro, what happened?" Ava asked.
"Those damn porcelain dolls are in my room!" Andy cried.
"Mom, you know Andy's terrified of those dolls." Ava hugged Andy back.
"Well he'll have to get over it, he's a grown man." Aloren crossed her arms.
"Mom, that's not how it works." Ava sighed.
"It can't be that hard to get over a silly fear." Aloren said with a tone.
"Aloren, don't you still have a fear of spiders from when you were five?" Andy's father asked.
"Shut it Alex."
"We can switch rooms." Ava smiled.
"Thank you." Andy mumbled.
"No, he has to get over it-" "Shut up, you're a bad mother."

Aloren took all the dolls out of Andy's old room.

Andy set up his room and texted Peter.

My mom sucks

Yeah I know

She knows I'm scared of porcelain dolls and she put all of them in my room, good thing my sister convinced her to move them


Andy heard his name get called.

Gotta go

Okay :(


Bye :(

Andy rushed downstairs.
"Can you help me with dinner?" Alex asked.
"Oh, sure dad."



Andy and Alex set the dinner table.
"Can you go get your siblings?" Alex asked.
Andy made his way through the living room and upstairs.
He knocked on Ava's door and Adam's.
"Dinner is ready."
Andy walked back downstairs and walked into the kitchen.
Andy sat down and put his phone on the table, facing up.
Adam and Ava came down.
Ava sat next to Aloren and Adam sat next to Andy.

While they ate, Andy's phone buzzed and turned on.
"Peter sent you a photo." Adam grinned.
Andy sighed and grabbed his phone.
He unlocked his phone and opened his messages... he turned his phone off immediately.
"What was it?" Aloren asked.
"Nothing important." Andy's face was red.
"Well your face is really red, what did Peter send you?" Ava crossed her arms.
"Nudes." Andy whispered.
"What was that?" Alex asked.
"Nothing, it's not a conversation for the dinner table."


After they washed the dishes, they all sat down.
"So what did Peter send you?" Adam asked, smiling.
"He sent me a dick pic."
"Can we see?" Ava asked.
"No, don't be weird."
Adam stood up.
"You know how a lot of scary stuff happens here?" Adam asked.
"Yeah?" They all answered.
Adam walked to the door and grabbed his bag.
"Guess what I got."
Adam reached in his bag and pulled out an Ouija board.
"Dude, what the hell?" Andy sighed.
"C'mon, it was on sale, I had to." Adam grinned.
"No, not in my house." Aloren crossed her arms.
"We'll call a priest to bless the house tomorrow, we should do this." Alex smiled.
"Fine, but we talk to some sort of demon, I'm done."


They had everything set up, the light they had were the dim candles.
They all put a finger on the planchet (did I spell that right?).
"Is there anyone here with us?" Adam asked.
"Are you a ghost?" Ava asked.
"What are you?" Aloren asked.
No answer.
"Do you want to hurt us?" Andy asked.
"What does that mean?" Andy looked at everyone.
Aloren touched her neck with her free hand.
She looked at her fingers.
Everyone looked at Andy.
They were frozen.
Andy noticed they were looking above him.
Andy did not look behind him.
"Who are you?" Andy asked.
"It's me."
Andy turned around and... fucking slapped the demon.
Afam got up and turned on a light.
It was Peter.
"Peter!? What the fuck!?" Andy yelled.
Peter was laughing his ass off.
"You're a bitch." Andy sighed.
"You should've seen your faces!" Peter was still laughing.
"How long have you been here and how did we not see you?" Adam asked.
"I followed Andy, and I'm a demon, I can go invisible." Peter explained, calming down.
"Ughhhh! I hate you." Andy whined.
Peter wrapped an arm around Andy, pulling him close.
"I'm sorry babe, I had to." Peter smiled.
Aloren was passed out.
"Ummm, who are you and how do you know Andy?" Ava asked.
"I knew Andy for a long time, ever since I met him in the barn, we're roommates now." Peter grinned.
"Yeah, I'm still mad at you about that." Andy sighed, leaning on Peter.
"The reason I sent you a dick pic is that if you paid attention to the background, I was in this very room."
Andy pulled out his phone and looked.
"Oh you son of a bitch." Andy turned off his phone.
"Good job, you looked at my dick." "Shut up."
Peter kissed Andy on the head before standing up.
"I'm gonna go smoke, see ya."
Peter walked out.
Andy sighed, leaning back.
"Why did he kiss you?" Ava asked.
"Oh, umm." Andy blushed, "He's my boyfriend."
Peter walked in.
"I forgot my cigarettes, do any of you have one?" He asked.
Everyone shook their head.
"Damn it."
"I got weed in bag." Andy got up.
"Oh hell yeah, even better." "Let's go get high before Thanksgiving."
Andy and Peter went upstairs.
"If they fuck again, I'm gonna lose it because they are loud." Adam groaned, "I'm surprised Andy can even walk."
"Dude, the writer just decided that Andy can walk like nothing happened." Ava pointed out.
"Don't worry, Aloren would beat his ass."


Later on, Andy and Peter came downstairs.
Andy had cum all around his mouth and they were high.
"Dude, what the hell is on your mouth?" Ava asked.
"I gave him a blow job."
They all just stared.
"Yo. Is that a fucking piano?" Peter pointed at the piano, "I know how to play."
Andy walked into the kitchen and washed his mouth.
"Are we not gonna talk about how Andy sucked your dick?" "No."
Peter walked over to the piano and sat down on the little stool.
He started playing a song no one could recognize.
"Very old song, I learned from my dad, he said it told the story of how our family's name fell but rised back up. He also said it was song for me to pass on to my spawn and so forth, sadly, that may never happen."
Peter stopped playing but continued without another word.
Everyone listened to the tunes.
"Dude, this song makes me think of gay stuff." Andy laughed.
"Andy, shut up." Peter stopped playing.
"I sucked your dick, I have the right to be annoying."


Once Aloren woke up, she kicked Peter out.


Andy went to bed, tired and bored.

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