being Parents

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"Soooo, you're telling me that Hosé has been failing to flirt with Pandy?" Andy was somewhat amused.
"It's hilarious." Peter snickered.
"Shouldn't we stop him before he gets killed?" "How old is Pandy again?" "Uhhhhh, he turned ten in September." "So he is underage?" "Yeah... Jackie!"
Bam! I pop into reality.
"What?" I asked.
"You need to make Pandg eighteen for a skit." Andy explained.
"Ummmmm... Eighteen year old Pandy is... where's Pandy?" "I'm right here."
I snap my fingers and Pandy become eighteen.
"Holy shit. My son is a whore." Peter laughed.
"What the hell happened to me!" Pandy yelled.
"I don't know where my head went but yeah, it's too late to fix it since." I explained.
"Well, what do I do now?" Pandy sighed.
"Just go over to Hosé over there and just chill there or something." I then pop out of reality.

Pandy walked over to Hosé as Peter and Andy watched from afar.
"We're good parents." Peter smiled.
"No we aren't." Andy sighed.
"But-" "We are good at making a child go througg something that's embarrassing." "Yeah... how the hell was Pandy born again?" "He wasn't. He appeared on one of the picnic tables." "Oh right-" "Wait, I think it's starting."

"Hosé? You good?" Pandy asked.
Hosé was frozen, face redder then a rose.
"Come Hosé, think of something." Hosé thought.
"Hosé?" "CanIputyourmouthonmymouth!?" Hosé panicked.
Andy and Peter were losing there shit in the background.
"Uhhh, what?"
"Damn it." Hosé muttered.
"Eh, good try." Pandy patted him on the back.
"He sucked!" Peter yelled.
"Alright, I'm gonna go nooooooow." Pandy started taking a few steps back.

"He gets that from you." Peter chuckled.
"What! No way." Andy crossed his arms.
"Well, you're the one how walks away like that when in awkward situations." Peter explained.
"Fair, he gets his gayness from you though." "But we're both gay." "You're gayer." "I mean, I'm gay for you." "I'm pretty sure you need to shut the fuck up." "I'm pretty sure you're not going to walk for two weeks." "I'm pretty sure you're going to have do more work for those two weeks."
Peter pulled Andy closer.
"I love you." Peter smiled.
"I love you too." Andy chuckled.
"AHHHHHHHH-" Pandy ran right passed them.
"What the fu-"

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