love sick Andy part 3

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(Andy is now a yandere because yes, I will have to make new characters for this)

Peter and Andy were at Andy's house, just sitting on the couch.
"So, wanna be friends?" That not what Andy wanted to ask but he couldn't ask Peter the original question.
"Hm, sure, why not." Peter grinned.
Andy felt his heart racing.
"I'll be right back."
Andy stood up, his legs felt like they were half cooked spaghetti.
Andy walked to the kitchen and just... walked into the pantry, closing the door behind him.

(Insert Andy silently cheering like an 80's high school girl)

Night fell and Peter went back to the barn.
They made plans to go to fun fair.

The next day.

As they walked around fun fair
(does any one else imagine Fun fair being one of those amusement parks that are on docks... like the one in Bob's burgers)
A woman approached them.
"Um, hi?" Peter was confused.
"Hello." Andy smiled.
The woman glared at Andy but then looked back at Peter.
Andy now knew what this woman wanted.
"Can I join you?" She asked.
"Sure, what's your name?" Peter asked.
"My name is Helen the Ham."

After a while, this woman was full on flirting with Peter but Peter was a clueless dumbass.
"I have to use the bathroom, brb."
Andy and the woman went into the bathrooms... Then Andy snuck into the girls bathroom with a piece of glass.

Andy walked back to Peter.
"Where's the girl who talks weird?" Peter asked.
"Oh, she told me she had to go."

*flash back*
As Andy made sure no one was around, he dragged Helen's body into the woods.
He went back to the bathroom and washed the glass and his hands but he cut his hand on the glass but he thought nothing of it.
*end of flash back*

"Oh, she was annoying anyways." Peter smiled.
"Yeah, she really was."

After a while they decided to leave.

They went back to Andy's house, feeling tired.

"What was the name of that weird girl again?" "Helen I think." "Hmmm, what was she again?" "A ham." "I hope we don't meet another person like that ever again." "Same here Peter."
Andy's eyes started getting heavy.
He leaned on Peter then fell asleep.
Peter didn't know what to do, he couldn't draw on Andy's face, he didn't know if he would wake him up if he kissed him, and he didn't know what would happen if he tried to pick him up... so he just sat there until he himself fell asleep.

Andy woke up. Peter was hugging him... and he was really close to his face.
Andy felt his face heat up hotter than the sun.
Andy's heart was beating faster then ever, his body tensed up, his mind raced, he was struggling to keep his breathing normal... then... Peter woke up.
"What time is it?" Peter asked.
"Idon'tknow." Andy said quickly.
"Are you okay?" "I'mfine!" "Are you sure?" "Yup!" "No you are not." "I'm-"
Peter didn't want to hear Andy's lies so he pulled Andy into a kiss to shut him up.
Andy... he passed out after.
Peter was confused, he didn't know what to do at this point.

After a few minutes, Peter carried Andy to his room and tucked him in.
Peter kissed Andy on the fore head before he left.
Andy was awake since Peter picked him up.

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