Chapter 13

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Laura explained the the group what happened. Her and Max came one night early but were attacked by a creature like Nick. She talked about a police officer name Travis who was Chris Hacketts brother. Travis kidnapped them and had them in the police station for two months because Max was a werewolf.

Yep. That is what she told us.

"Are you out of you're goddamned mind?" Ryan asked. He was in disbelief.

"Werewolves? Seriously, what the fuck.."

Laura snickered a little. "I said the exact same thing."

"Okay. Do you-you got anything better? I mean like.....Zombies? Aliens? Time-hopping Draculas?"

"Ryan right?" Laura said.


"Shut the fuck up."

Dylan couldn't help but laugh quietly. "Yeah let her finish man."


"Would it really be so crazy? With all the shit that we've been seeing! With Nick. With the thing on the roof! Okay, it would really start to explain a lot of stuff.."


"I'm just trying to keep an open mind, okay? This is like your ghost stories. How is this so different to your ghost stories?" He asked.

He wasn't wrong. Ryan always had those headphones on, listening to that podcasts about the supernatural. Hazel believed everything that Laura said. 

Nick being very protective of her, the yellow eyes, black veins. Weird thing is they explode to turn? Weird concept.

"Those-Those are just campfire stories. Like, there has to be a rational explanation for everything." Ryan argued.

"Okay, you were not talking rational when you separated my hand from the rest of my body." Dylan points out.

"You told me to."

"And if its bite with which you're faced, cleave limb from torso with great haste." Laura said while looking at his bandaged hand.

"What?" Ryan said.

"You did the right thing."

"See? She's got a whole poem about it."

Laura got up and walked over to Ryan and lifts up her eyepatch revealing her wound. Hazel didn't see it of course because she was still in the same spot. Where Nick exploded. She was listening to everything. Hearing that Chris is the werewolf attacking people which made Ryan not believe it at all.

"So you're saying if we kill him Nick will be cured?" Hazel said.

Hazel Believes Laura's Story

"Hazel what the hell?" Ryan said.

"Yes." Laura turns her attention to her.

Hazel got up finally and placed her bow on her shoulder and grabbed the remaining arrows. "Well you guys can do whatever the fuck you want whether its hiding out here or going after Chris. I'm going to find Nick."

"What? Wait Hazel..." Kaitlyn stopped her. "Hazel, that is not Nick. Okay, look I get it you want to make sure he is okay because I shot him but-"

"No. She said that those hunters could be working with Chris. They could go after Nick and I'm not going to stand around and let him get killed." Hazel said.

Laura walked over to her. "You have guts. Is he your boyfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah." Hazel nods.

Laura saw her gear and smiled. "You have a few silver arrows. That will kill those things. Wooded ones only slow them down." She removed her backpack around her shoulders and opens it up. 

Cursed; Nick FurcilloWhere stories live. Discover now