Chapter 18

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Nick had Hazel in his arms, her blood now on his body. He didn't care about the mess. All he thought about was saving her life.

It was the only way to bring her back. If he bit her the wound on her neck would heal and revive her but she would be cursed like him.

"Come on Nick." He mumbled.

He lifts her left arm gently and looked at her face. If she was someone else he wouldn't be doing this, he was only doing it because he loved her and she was the only exception.

Nick leaned closer to her arm, smelling the blood. He had to remember to control his hunger when he bites her. 

His sharp fangs press down into her skin and tasted her blood. It tasted so good, he wanted more. More than he should.

Thankfully, he pulled away and her blood was on his face. "Come on Hazel. Please come back to me. I'm not ready to lose you." He whispered.

He wanted to do so much with her. Take her ice skating in New York, have dinner with her. Romantic right? Of course it was.

Hazel lays in his arms for a few minutes as he waits for a response.

Nick Infected Hazel

Then a small heartbeat made him look back at her. Her eyes slowly open. Hazel saw Nicks face, his eyes were golden and she could see black veins on his skin. Like before.

"Did I miss anything good?" She asked him.

He laughs softly. "Not really."

He leans his forehead against hers and cried softly. "I couldn't lose you Hazel. I'm sorry if I cursed you I just had to take a chance. To save you."

Nick realized that her wound healed already which was super fast. Hazel smiled at him. "Well as long as I don't explode I'm good."

Hazel sits up slowly as he helped her stand on her feet. "Take it easy. You literally came back from the dead, technically."

She realized they were still in the basement where werewolf Emma attacked her. Abi and Emma's bodies were still there. Poor Abi.

Both of them wanted to rest but knew they had to get back out there. Hazel grabbed her bow and remaining arrows. She turned to look at Nick.

"Nick you are umm." She points to his naked body.

He looked down. "Oh!" Nick didn't know if there were any clothes laying around but it wasn't her first time seeing him like this.

"Let's head back upstairs and find you clothes."

The two exit the basement and head into the lodge. Hazel was at a table and decided to let Nick have some space to change and clean. At least he had extra clothes in his bag.

Hazel stared at her bow seeing the remaining arrows she had. Part of her thought this was a dream and the rest realized it was real. She died but came back thanks to Nick.

She didn't feel the curse at all which was weird, maybe it had to be triggered by something. Hopefully that won't happen. All Hazel wanted was to survive and cure Nick and herself.

Nick walked downstairs to her and sat down next to her. "Ryan said that we need to stop Silas. He's the one we need to kill to end the cure. Has to be on a full moon and silver to kill him." She informed.

"Okay, so kill this guy and we're cured." He said.

"Yeah. I was able to text Ryan and told him to meet us here with the others."

"Its going to be weird for them to see him not a weird animal creature." He said.

"Werewolf." Hazel smiled.

"I'm not calling myself that." He said.

The two look at each other. "Hazel I-."

"Nick. You don't need to apologize for infecting me. If we swapped places I would've done the same." She said.

Nick looked down and nods slowly. "Hazel. I didn't have full control of myself when I was out there. I could see you only. The others were all red but you were clear." He sighs.

"I heard you scream, that's how I came back. Because of you. Hearing you helped me take control. When I saw you there injured, I was furious at myself and Emma. But mostly myself because I wasn't there to stop it."

"Nick." Her hand touched his gently. "Don't blame yourself. It happened, you saved me. Yes, you did infect me but you saved me. We have a chance to end this curse once and for all. For Emma and Abi."

He rubs her hand with his thumb. "I don't want to lose you again."

"I don't want to lose you either."

As they stared at each others eyes the main door to the lodge open. Both look over seeing Ryan, Kaitlyn and Dylan. 

All still alive.

Hazel stood up and smiled. She ran up to Kaitlyn and hugs her tightly. "I'm so glad you all are okay." She mumbled.

"You think those things would kill me? Not a chance girl." She told her.

Dylan smiled. "We are very much alive."

Nick walked over to them and everyone was shocked to see him back in Nick form. Human form. "Wait is Nick cured?" Ryan asked Hazel.

"No. Its a long story but he was able to control it and turn back." She told them.

"Damn so Laura was right. About the whole anchor thing." Dylan said.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Nick asked.

"Oh well Laura told us that there was a small chance that the person could possibly turn back to human because of their anchor. Kinda like their will to come back. You know in that show Teen Wolf, Allison was Scott's anchor because he loved her." Dylan explained.

"Wait you actually watch that?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, it was the best show on MTV." He responded.

"Who is Laura?" Nick asked.

"Long story. I'll fill you in later." Hazel said.

"Where is Emma? Or Abi? Jacob?" Kaitlyn asked.

Hazel and Nick both looked at each other not knowing what they should tell the group. They could lie to them and tell a different story but they were there friends.

"Jacob is unaccounted for. He is somewhere in the woods." Ryan told her.

"Abi and Emma are both dead." Hazel informs them.

It was silent. No one didn't know what to say. It shocked them that Emma and Abi were both dead. "No. They can't be dead.." Dylan mumbled.

"I heard someone screaming in the basement and found Abi's body on the ground. She was bleeding. Emma was infected. She killed Abi down there."

Hazel Told the Truth

"Emma was infected?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, why?" 

Dylan looked at Kaitlynn. We saw her in the van. She was completely normal. We told her to go with Abi down there to be safe." Kaitlyn said.

"Its our fault we told her to go down there."

"Okay, what else happened?" Ryan asked Hazel.

"Well, Nick heard me and came in to save me. We had no choice but to kill her. She tried to kill us. But there is another thing. She attacked me, I had a lot of injuries but Nick saved me. He infected me." Hazel said.

"Its true." Nick said.

"Okay, so we have two people still infected, two people are dead and Jacob is still out there. Anything else?" Dylan asked.

"Well we have a way to cure them. All we need to do is kill Silas."

Kill the Big Bad Wolf.

Cursed; Nick FurcilloWhere stories live. Discover now