Chapter 16

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Hazel was now back in the woods. Alone. She was injured from before but it was bandaged up. What if she got bitten like Nick? Would she turn into that creature?

No, if that happens I need to fight

She couldn't give in if that happened. She had to fight.

To survive.

Nick was cursed.

Maybe Emma was too.

She continued through the woods and took a breathe. "I should've stayed behind. Or not have wandered around. Nick wouldn't have gotten bit if not for me.."

Hazel remembered having her phone still on her and thought maybe she should turn it on to take photos of videos of any kind of evidence she finds, for the police.

The phone turns on and the battery was half full not too bad. Something popped up on her messages.

It was from Nick.

Her finger clicked on the message and it pulls up a video.

Before everything happened.

She clicked play.

Hey! Sorry, I was going to say all of this in text but then I thought that would be too cheesy. Had to get away from the group after we got our phones. Before we went out to get wood. Sorry for lying to you I had to go grab something.

Anyway um here goes. Man, I feel like this its too cheesy. Is it? Please let me know if it is. Okay, alright here we go.

Hazel, this is our last time to hangout. We are stranded and it seem maybe this party is exactly what we need to tell the truth. Mainly me. Look that night at the boathouse, I wasn't trying to make that be a one night stand. And you probably already know this but I need to say this, in case I never get a chance to after today.

You're probably watching this back in New York.

If Nick only knew.

Look, Hazel I really really like you. You're smart, beautiful, caring and just the person that I fell for. You always made me laugh and even laughed at my stupid jokes all at camp. I'm glad I stumbled upon you at the boathouse that night because I always wanted to kiss you. I don't know if you were second guessing but don't.

I want this to work. To be able to talk to you whenever, to be there to support you in archery. Hell, when you join the Olympics I will have a big sign for you, big enough for the crowd to see.

Hazel chuckled happily hearing this. It made her smile knowing he meant every word he said. She wished he was here with her.

I want to take you to New York maybe? Or anywhere close for us to meet. I want to ask you out Hazel. And I know it might be too soon. But I'm completely falling for you. So please reply to this when you can.

I'll be here waiting for you. And...

He pulled out the necklace under his shirt. The necklace she gave him.

I'm keeping it safe as I promised. I won't take it off.

Nick smiled and then the video ended.

Tears went down her cheek. She really needed him right now. Just to hold him, to kiss him.

"I'll be waiting for you too." She whispered.

Suddenly she heard a scream. It was super close. Hazel put her phone back in her pocket and followed the scream. Was it one of her friends? Was it Nick?

She jumped over a few rocks and branches. Hazel got back to the lodge and heard the scream again, it came from below. Her eyes went down the the cellar under the lodge.

"Okay Hazel." Hazel didn't know what could be down there but at least she was prepared. She quickly opened the doors and aimed her bow down.

A blood trail was down the steps and so on. She went down the steps slowly. Something was down here with her. The blood trail was fresh like very fresh.

Hazel then saw a body on the floor.

"Abi.." Hazel rushed over and saw the blood on her body, not the wound but there was so much blood.

Abi was motionless. She was cold to the touch already. "No. Come on Abi, you can't be dead. Abi please!" Hazel cried out.

Hazel and Abi were friends at camp. not super close but she was a good friend. Abi was talented too. Seeing her on the ground with blood all over hurt Hazel.

She could see claw marks on her body. A werewolf did this. But who?

Her phone rang loudly and she looked down at it seeing that it was Ryan. 

"Ryan what's wrong? Did you kill Chris?" She asked.

"Hazel. Its not Chris. Chris wasn't the first to be bitten. Its some guy name Silas. Look Hazel if you see a white wolf with red eyes that is him." He informed her.

So Chris was not the one that bit Nick?

"There is something else."


"We went back down to the cellar. Nick was not in the cell."

A growl echoed around her. She lifts her head up and turned quickly seeing a creature in front of her. It growled again and snarled. Streaks of blood was on its face and mouth, even saw blood drip down too.

"Hazel you still there?"

Hazel hung up the phone and stared at the creature. It didn't have red eyes. Not Silas.

Hazel was furious. Whoever was down here with Abi must've turned and killed her accidently. She didn't care though, she wanted to kill this thing. 

She pulled out her bow and aimed at it. "Whoever the fuck you are, you better stop.."

It kept crawling slowly to her not listening at all. "Stop.."

Then right below Abi's body she saw something shiny. A silver bracelet.


Part of Hazel wanted to kill Emma for kissing Nick, to treating her like crap the entire summer and now Abi was dead. It wasn't her fault though. She had to remember that.

The creature charged at Hazel and she dodged the attack. She had to make a decision to fight or run somewhere. There was a ladder that would lead to Chris's office or she could head back to where she came.

Hazel Chose the Ladder

She quickly ran to the ladder and climbed up slowly. As Hazel kept going her foot pressed down to the metal bar but it snapped. It couldn't handle her weight. Hazel fell to the ground and groaned. 

Another growl came to her direction. "Fuck." She said. Only way to survive was to fight. Hazel got up but the creature grabbed her. It launched her against the wall and pins her hard.

"Emma come on snap out of it!" She yelled.

That wasn't Emma anymore. Maybe she had to kill her. All she needed was a silver arrow. The creature growled and claws her repeatedly.

Then the next thing Hazel felt was sharp teeth pierce her skin. A scream could be heard throughout the forest in Hacketts Quarry.

And something heard it.

Cursed; Nick FurcilloWhere stories live. Discover now