Chapter 23

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A few years later...

Well, I guess I should explain what happened. Explain that night, after I killed Silas.

Nick and I went back to the lodge and saw the others. Everyone was alive. Dylan was injured thanks to that creature. Jacob had a few scratches.

Was really glad he survived. I know we had a few issues at camp because of Emma and all the drama he was going through, but he was still my friend.

Ryan and Kaitlyn were unharmed.

Then the cops arrived. Finally. But of course, they turned us into suspects because of all the bodies and blood everywhere at camp. And oh yeah, they wouldn't believe our story so we all came up with one that they would believe.

Told them about the Hacketts and well we unfortunately blamed them. We all gathered evidence to cover our story, not to mention Jacob saw that dead corpse in the water and an old camera with photos of what happened to the hikers.

None of us had to spend jail time because they believed our story. Travis Hackett, the police officer that kidnapped Max and Laura is now in jail alone with Bobby and their father. Constance was dead thanks to Laura and Chris was shot by Ryan.

Poor Ryan had to kill him but had no choice. If I was him, I'd do it too.

Caleb was dead too. He was the other werewolf in the lodge we killed.

Laura and Max were alive as well.

We lost Emma because well you know what happened.

And Abi......

I wish I could've been there sooner, but I was too late. She died in the basement alone.

I couldn't save her...

It's been two years after that night. Everyone still keeps in touch with each other. Kaitlyn went to school, Ryan and Dylan moved into together. 

They were adorable.

Jacob decided to go to school for sports such as football.

As for your past self I am still currently living in New York, still living the dream. When we got back from camp, I decided to not go to California. Mom and dad were disappointed, but I didn't care.

I had a dream to become the best archer in the Olympic.

Can't believe I'm writing to my future self.

Well future self I do hope you have a great future and probably when you read this in the next few years you probably wouldn't believe anything in this letter along with photos.

But know that we made it work. Especially with him.

As Hazel was finishing up her letter a knock was heard.

"In here." She said and placed the letter in a small box then puts it under the bed.

Nick walked in and smiled. "Was wondering what you were doing in there." He closed the door behind him and walked towards her. 

"I was just going through the boxes in here, since you know. Moving in here." She stood up and looked around her new room. Hazel found this apartment right after months when everything happened at camp. And when her parents kicked her out Nick was there by her side.

"Yeah, I know. It's very nice and we are both happy." He kissed her cheek.

"We are." She smiled at him. 

The two finished up packing their stuff and went outside on the roof of the balcony looking down at the street below them.

"You ever think about what happened at camp?" Nick asked.

"Sometimes. I remember the good times and bad." She replied. 

Nick sighs and looked over at Hazel. "I'm just glad you are here with me. I thought I was going to lose you when you were fighting him. Then the whole thing with Emma..."

Hazel placed her hand in his. "I know Nick. We are now, survivors. We made it."

"Yeah, some didn't though." He mumbled.

Hazel leans against his shoulder as his arm wrapped around hers. "Even without the werewolf abilities you are still warm."

Nick laughs. "Glad that makes you happy still."

"Look at us now, building a life. Living together, we made it work after that night. And I meant what I said Hazel. I will support you no matter what. You go out there and show the crowd how amazing and talented you are. And I will have a sign to cheer you on."

Hazel smiled at him, remembering the video he sent her at camp. "I'm glad I met you at camp Nick, even though we were being chased by werewolves and hunters."

"Me too. The meeting at camp, not the other thing." He scratched his head.

She kissed his cheek and made him blushed. "I know."

The two looked up seeing the full moon bright in the night. "Man, glad I don't go crazy on full moons that would be bad." He spoke.

"Yeah, a shame." She said sarcastically.

"Very funny." 

Hazel howled quietly and laughs. 

Nick rolls his eyes and smiles. "Alright wolf I think you need sleep."

"Nah, I'll stop now."

Both laughed at each other. The two stayed outside the whole night and fell asleep.

At least they had a happy ending.

Cursed; Nick FurcilloWhere stories live. Discover now