Brother's Prayer

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Jun was like everyone else when he was little. 

He grew up in a warm family, and had everything he could ask for, which wasn't that much since he loved to stick to one toy or one game. He was an only child back then, and his parents loved to spoil him any way they could. 

A lot changed, though, when Eiji came into the picture. 

Jun didn't know what to think about him at first, he was only 3 when the newest member arrived. He watched through the glass at the tiny person flailing his tiny arms. 

And then Eiji opened his eyes. 

The child's eyes were full of wonder, of hope. 

Of love. 

Jun made a silent promise that day, that he would protect the tiny person with all his might. 

He said a little prayer in his little mind. "Please magical gods in the sky, give this small baby a magical shield to protect him from monsters in the night."

In the beginning, he didn't know what to do around Eiji. He was bigger and stronger than the baby, and he could walk and talk while Eiji couldn't. But slowly, he learnt how to be gentle around the little one, and his mother even taught him how to feed and hold his little brother.

He said a little prayer while looking at his little brother in the crib. "Please magical people in the sky, teach me how to be careful and gentle when I am with Eiji."

Growing up with Eiji was like having a summer vacation every day. It was fun, free, and both brothers grew closer with each passing day.

All good things must come to an end, though. 

Eiji was just 14 when it happened, and Jun was 17. 

He barely knew the details, but all the police told them were that a car crash had happened, and his parents were gone. 

By god...

What was he supposed to do now? 

He looked at his little brother, and he saw all the things he absolutely hated to see in those soft brown eyes. 

Uncertainty, grief, self blame.


Jun swore to himself that he would make sure the light and hope returned to Eiji's eyes. 

He said a little prayer that night. "Please god, bring back the hope this boy once had. Give him the strength to carry on in life."

With a goal like that in mind, he started a journey. 

The journey wasn't exactly amazing, per say. It was darker than he hoped, but he would do anything to protect his little brother. 

So for 2 years he lived in those shadows, clawing his way up the crooked ladder just so he could provide for Eiji. 

Despite it all, he always made time for the boy. They'd go out and try new things or just stayed home and played video games. Some nights Jun would tell him a story before he went to sleep, just like their mother used to. Some nights he'd sing a lullaby and Eiji would hum along. Jun always said Eiji had their father's beautiful singing voice. In times like this it was like they were the only two existing in the world, and no one else could interfere. 


Jun finished soldering the wires and tucked them into the generator.

He looked over and frowned when he saw the current killer, the Slasher, chasing Nathan.

"Sh*t." He stood up and started running after them. Passing a vault, he purposefully ran into Nathan, taking the hit of the flying knife the Slasher threw.

"Are you okay?!" Nathan inspected the wound. Jun was tough, so he could take another hit before going down.

"Yeah, I'll manage." He took a deep breath.

Nathan helped him over to another room, and he did a temporary bandage on Jun. "There's another gen here. We can do it in a little bit."

"Thanks Nathan." He leaned back and closed his eyes.


"Jun what's happening?!"

The car flipped over and everyone was upside down, kept to their seats by their safety belts.

Jun realized too late that this was an elaborate set up, and now they were being driven to their doom.

The car had been going faster and faster, and the small action of bumping into a rock sent them into a barrel roll.

Jun held onto Eiji tightly, a small prayer on his lips. "I beg you god, take me. This boy has done nothing wrong in his life, spare him and take me instead."

Eiji whimpered and buried his face against Jun, afraid that this was the end.

When Jun opened his eyes, Eiji wasn't with him anymore, and he was surrounded by a thick mist.


Jun sat up quickly, and Nathan jumped a little from shock. "Woah hey, where's the fire?"

"Ah... Have you seen Eiji anywhere?"

"The last time I saw him was in the gym." Nathan stated. "But that was quite some time ago."

"Thanks." He got up and went to find Eiji.


The Slasher loomed over Eiji, and the photographer screamed in fear. "HELP ME-"

A larger male suddenly yanked Eiji away just before he was hit.

Eiji looked up in shock. "J-Jun?!"

"I'm here, don't worry." Jun smiled down at him.

Eiji smiled in relief as Jun carried him to a safer spot. "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Me too Eiji. Here." He placed Eiji down somewhere, a strategic place which will take the killer time to find.

"Where are you going Jun?" Eiji tilted his head to the side.

"You will see soon enough." He walked off to find the killer.

If he could buy everyone some time, the last two generators could be finished and they could escape.

He noticed the Slasher chasing Yan, and he ran over, crashing into him just to get his attention.

"Yo freak! Over here!" He laughed and let the killer come after him.

The Slasher chased after the quarterback, going further and further from Yan and where most of the other survivors would be.

Jun closed his eyes and said a little prayer. "God give me strength to win this. Let me help them escape, let me help him escape."

He then hopped a vault and started looping the killer.

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