Yan and Jun (Who? AU): Hots Days in a Cold Room

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After some pestering and pleading from Arlo, Yan relented and went to Jun's cabin so they could chat.

She wasn't sure why, but she didn't enjoy going to the sad cabin. Maybe it's because the floor was coated in sticky milkshake and the walls were dirty and possibly moldy, except the one with pictures and notes pasted on it.

Or maybe it's because seeing Jun in his state made her feel worse.

She opened the door, and jumped when a cup flew past her.

"Go away. You're not Iris." The quarterback's words were slurred. He looked worse for wear, clothes and face smeared with god knows how many milkshakes. he thing kept clean though, was the scarf around his neck.

Who did that scarf belong to again?

Yan shook her head. She reached up to feel the sunglasses on her head. She couldn't recall why, but she felt safe wearing these sunglasses.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she failed to remember who the sunglasses had belonged to.

"J-Jun I... C-can we... Talk...?" She felt cold, the room hasn't seen the light in ages. God how can Jun live in this place?

"No, I don't want to to talk." He turned away. He downed another milkshake, chocolate this time, and threw the cup on the floor.

She sighed. There was no way she could get her point across to him, so she didn't understand why she was even trying.

She still stepped into the room, because the light outside was too bright today, and she wanted to sit down.

Jun looked ready to throw another cup, but she was very wary as well, and clutched her sling bag hard. She closed the door behind her before moving to sit on the bed.

The bed was surprisingly clean, as if Jun stopped using it. She took her shoes off and lied down on the bed, humming because it was soft.

".....what do you want." Jun sounded annoyed, but not angry.

"I just want to sleep..." Yan hadn't had a good night's sleep in ages. She was constantly haunted by nightmares of someone calling her name.

The voice always said "get behind me!"

She curled up into a ball and squeezed her eyes shut. She didn't feel like moving now, and didn't want to face Jun either.

She stayed in that position, letting her mind drift.

When her mind drifted though, she could only think of one thing.

Her guardian.

The guardian who was with her through thick and thin, right? Someone who protected her from the cruel world...

Who was this guardian?

She whimpered and opened her eyes, not sure how she would sleep now. Thoughts of her guardian plagued her constantly, and she was sick of not remembering who it was.

She heard heavy footsteps, like feet dragging across the floor, and she looked up.

Jun stood before her, milkshake in hand, and a dead look in his eyes.

"W-wha-?" She sat up in fear.

When did Jun get so close to her?

The man in question stared at her, taking another sip of his milkshake. "Get off the bed."

"I-I don't want to go outside..." She was pleading. It was too bright and her head hurt because of how hot it was outside.

"Get off the bed." He repeated.

She slowly climbed out of the bed and stood in a corner, afraid of what Jun was going to do.

The man looked at the bed then at her, then the bed again. He just looked in between the two items in rapid succession.

Yan was confused. What was he doing?

Jun threw his half finished milkshake onto the floor, and went to the bathroom.

Her eyes widening, she went to listen in on what was happening.

She was surprised when she heard the sound of water. Was Jun showering?

The man came out a few minutes laters, his hands and arm now clean, and he grabbed the bedsheets from the bed.
"W-what are you doing?" Yan was terrified.

"The bed sheet is overed in dust and it has bed bugs." He threw the bedsheet in the corner, a small pile of filthy clothes already piling up.

"Oh..." She folded her hands and kept them against her stomach, unsure what she should do now.

"If you want to use the bed, there's bed sheets in the cupboard. Iris put some there on Saturday."

A bit surprised, she walked to the cupboard and pulled out a bedsheet with cute little dogs and cameras on it. "This one is nice-"

She dodged an incoming cup of milkshake.

"Out." Jun looked furious. He pointed at the door.

She shook her head. "It's too hot outside-"

"I SAID OUT!" He stomped the floor, causing it to rattle.

Yan screamed and ran out the door, looking back at Jun.

He was on his knees sobbing, and holding onto the bedsheet like it was a treasure.

Yan sighed sadly and looked at the hot, sunny outside.

She needed to find Iris.

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