173 (And I wanted to see her)

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A/n: Ajax's story, was both angsty and really good! If I can, I'll make a piece inspired by Ajax's latest work, 172 (I'm sorry it turned out this way)! I hope this is a good piece!

A blonde woman tied her hair into a ponytail, watching a ginger boy walk past, tears and anger staining his face. He looked up, then looked at her. "Oh, hello Ms. Melody."

"Hi Callum! Are you okay? You look a little sad." She tilted her head in worry.

"It's nothing." He looked away, his face unreadable. He looked a little angry, sad, proud, guilty. Everything all at once.

"Is it... Uhm... The girl?" Melody knew her name, but decided to say 'the girl' to not trigger Callum.

"I guess." He sighed and swiped at the upset tears on his face. "Why couldn't she change before? Why is she still so selfish? I... I hate her! But... But at the same time I know it's wrong to hate someone in a dire situation like the Mist!"

"That's how some people are Callum. They don't change. Sometimes, it's a good thing. But sometimes..." She nodded. "You understand my point."

"It's just hard to swallow, ya know? We're not dating anymore but... I saw it in her eyes. Even after we broke up she wanted to turn to me!" Callum hated how he felt, he didn't even know why he felt the way he did.

"Ah... Maybe she's just using you dear." Melody looked down in grief. "Some people take advantage if you're unable to catch on to their schemes."

"Using me... Of course. Typical Yronica." Callum shook his head and sat on the chair nearby.

"What do you wanna do now?" She looked to him, curious.

"Something I suppose. As long as it's something I can do." He shrugged. "I just don't wanna see her face anymore. If it comes down to things, I will end her myself."

"Oh my-" Melody was worried and nervous about what would happen to. Callum if this continued.


"Where is she?!" Callum freaked out as he pushed pass a few survivors in search of the blonde woman he noticed was down. "Come on come on...!"

He growled when he saw Yronica run by, alright as ever.

If she were down, he would finish her then and there.

He decided to leave her be at the moment, as she wasn't down, and he wasn't sure what would happen if he attacked a running survivor, which was a killer's job.

He squeaked and almost tripped when he kicked something on the floor. He looked down and gasped in horror.

"Ms. Melody?!" He crouched down to help her up, the blood pooling around the woman. "Oh god you're bleeding out really bad!"

"Callum..." She wheezed in pain as she coughed up some blood. "Oh hoah god..."

"Oh man... What happened to you?" He bandaged her torso to stop the bleeding.

"I... Wanted to help her." She shakily sat up, looking down in pain.

"Her?" He looked behind and it clicked. "But why?! She would never help you-!"

"Callum, you have to understand... We are in the Mist... It's our duty to help others survive no matter how bad they are." She got up with his help, and Callum shook his head.

"No! No it's not supposed to be like that!" You don't help Yronica! She's a monster!" Callum had tears in his eyes, just crying in pure agony. "Ms. Melody you don't understand!"

"That's the point. I don't." She smiled weakly at him. "Callum... You have every right to be mad at her. But in my eyes, she's just a normal lady who needs help to survive a little longer."

"But why." He was a bit angry. "Why can you help such a monster?"

"Because I wanted to see her." Melody nuzzled against Callum's hair in a motherly way. "I wanted her to know that, even when it goes down to nothing, she has someone to turn to."

"That's not how it works Ms. Melody..." Callum whimpered, but sighed as she nuzzled against his hair. "Let's just get out of this round."

"Yeah, okay."

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