Junathan: Horror movies

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A/N: I cannot find enough Junathan man 

Credit to:
#1 P3-NG FAN on Discord for the cute headcanon!
Venus on Discord for the Junathan sleep and romance headcanon!
Frappevi on Discord for Nathan design headcanon!



The woman in the movie screamed at the top of her lungs, making Nathan flinch. Jun looked at him with an amused smile. "You alright big guy?" 

"Yeah, I am. Let's just continue." He tried not to show it, but he was absolutely terrified. 

"You sure? You kinda look pale." the taller of the two brushed some hair away from Nathan's face. 

"Yes I'm sure! Hold on I want to text Yan to get us snacks-" the killer in the movie suddenly gave a loud jumpscare, causing Nathan to jump a foot off the sofa. "GWAH-!!" 

Jun noticed and quickly pulled the man into his arms in an attempt to comfort him. "Woah there, easy now."

"I... I did not expect that-" Nathan simply shook his head. Jun flashed him a teasing smile.

"Nathan Reyes, bodyguard to Yan Tian who faces off literal killers in trials, is scared of killers on the tv screen?" the football star tried to hold back a snicker. 

"O-oh hush Jun-" the bodyguard looked away with a light blush on his face, making his rosy cheeks just a tad bit rosier. 

Said man kissed one of the many scars adorning the bodyguard's handsome face. "Just admit it babe, that scared ya~" 

Nathan huffed and looked away from him, his face getting redder from fluster. "You're such a pain in the ass." 

"I know, and I enjoy it." Jun hummed lightly. 

Nathan chuckled, a small smile pulling on his plump lips. "You have an affinity of both annoying and wooing me, Mr Inagaki." He pressed a hand against the front pocket of his vest suit, where stalks of fragrant roses were tucked safely. He rarely admitted it, but he loved the little love gestures Jun did.

"Let's just say I have my way with people." Jun plucked one of the heart hairclips from the shorter man's hair, using it to clip up some stray bangs from his face. 

The bodyguard rolled his eyes, amused, and shifted himself to a comfortable position. "What a romantic man." 

"Thank you." 


Nathan groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked up and smiled to see Jun still sleeping. Shifting to lean over and grab his phone, he jumped lightly when he felt a muscular arm hook his waist. He chuckled and grabbed his phone, scooting back to a comfortable position. 

"6am. I should go make coffee-" The arm around him tightened. 

"....Mngh..." Jun mumbled. 

"Jun?" Nathan removed the scrunchie from his inky hair, letting it down. It reached his shoulder blades and he noticed how Jun seemed to lean into the silky locks spilled on his shoulder. 

"Stay..." the man requested. Even in his sleep Jun never fails to get Nathan to stay a little longer. 

"Oh what am I going to do with you-" Nathan blushed a little. Deciding to kill some time, he unlocked his phone and decided to check Instagram to see what activity was going on. 

His eyes widened when the notification floated on his screen.

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