The Boss and Eiji: But who will grant me that?

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"This is tedious work, honestly." The Boss rolled his eyes and swung a fist at the crying figure, causing the girl to fall to the floor. God, how did that girl get so many notifications about him on her phone? It's disgusting. "So much f*cking manual labour. I'd ask my men to do it but I don't see them anywhere." He wiped his brass knuckles against his coat and blew on it, giving the weapon a faint shine. 

All he had to do now was find that cute bodyguard. 

"Take that!" The Boss flinched and covered his face when a bright flash assaulted his eye. "Mother of God what was that?!" He slowly lowered his hands and blinked to focus on the blur running away from him. 

An olive scarf fluttered behind the grey figure, and as he made a hard turn to the right, the Boss noticed a familiar accessory he couldn't forget. 

"Brother? Where did mom and dad go?" He remembered a small boy, with round glasses and a timid expression on his soft features looked at him, tears pricking the edges of his dark brown eyes. 

"It's going to be okay, you hear me lil bro? It's all gonna be okay, and you'll never be hurt." He remembered comforting the boy. That's all he wished to do at that time, comfort him. "Do you have the camera mom gave you?"  

"M-mhm! I always have it on me!" The bespectacled boy would smile brightly, and he would smile back with pride. 

"Go take some photos, I'm sure they'll look beautiful." 

The Boss shook his head. It couldn't be... 

Shouldn't he be in New York with his new family? Why would he be here, all the way in who-knows-where?

He vaguely recalled, in a moment of clarity, that another version of him existed in the Mist. This must be his Eiji. With that revelation the Boss ground his teeth, feeling anger slowly bubble to the surface. 

Of course.

Of course it had to be like this. Of course the other him had to have everything. Genuine friends, a cute bodyguard for a boyfriend...

His brother still here with him. 

He dashed through the halls, unsure what direction to go but knowing he had to move if he wanted to get any revenge on the one who showed him this possiblity. 

The one who showed him the happiness he could have if things played out differently. 

"Look out everyone HE'S COMING!!" The annoying shouting of that thrill-seeking boy nearly bursted his ear drums. For the love of all he had, how much more annoying can one get? 

"Help!" The Boss turned his head to see that the fangirl had managed to crawl all the way here to get assistance. Behind her was a gross trail of crimson. 

"You're so hardy, and annoying." He rolled his eyes and camped her for the time being. He'd have to think of a strategy, and fast, if he wanted to down more of them. 

He noticed the fluttering olive scarf once more, and chased after the owner. If this was true, and that was the person he wished to find again after all these years... 

He couldn't let him slip through his fingers again. 

"Brother help me!!" The Boss's eye widened as he noticed a muscular man in a football jersey come to the boy's aid. 


He growled and picked up the pace, swinging his arm back and throwing the quarterback a swift blow to the back. 

Just like he expected, the man slowed down, coughing up a little bit of blood but kept going. Just like him, his counterpart was tough, and it would take more than a hit to take him down. 

He grinned widely, his canines bared and sped up to throw him another punch. 

"STOP!!" His fist stopped just before it hit the bespectacled boy in the face. 

The face of the one he sacrificed everything to give a happy life to.

".....Hello there." He crossed his arms, staring down at the little brother of the other him. 

"Jun...?" the boy tilted his head in a curious fashion. 

"why yes, it's me. I'm glad you noticed." He chuckled slightly. This was quite amusing. 

"Jun, what happened to you?" He reached a hand out to touch his face. 

"A lot of things." He lightly grabbed the boy's hand. "It's been too long." 

"It's been too long?" He frowned. "I don't get it."

"You don't have to." He sighed and stood up straight. "It's not like it matters here." 

Eiji looked down. He didn't know what to think, and he was afraid of of this Jun. He tried to back up, but the Jun had his wrist in a tight grip. "J-Jun please let go!" 

"Why should I?" the Jun's uncovered eye was gleaming in rage. "Your Jun had the idiocy to do something that led you to fall into this hellhole with him. If he can do that, then clearly he isn't taking good care of you." 

"W-what about your Eiji?! Where is he?!" He was panicking. What should he do? Should he scream? Should he use his camera? 

"My Eiji is still in New York, with a foster family that takes real good care of him." The Jun was serious, and he glared at Eiji's Jun. 

Oh no... Jun! 

"Jun RUN!" Eiji warned. Said man's eyes darted toward the other Jun, then back at him. 

"But Eiji!" He started, but Eiji didn't let him finish. 

"Just go, I'll be fine. I promise." 

Jun growled and turned around. "You better keep your promise lil bro." He then ran off. 

"Hah! Coward!" The Boss burst out laughing. The other him was as lousy as he figured him to be. 

"He's not a coward." The Eiji looked him dead in the eye. 

"He ran away despite knowing you're in danger, that's pretty lousy to me." The Boss scoffed. What did Eiji know about him? 

"He trusts me. Did you trust your Eiji?" the cameraman narrowed his eyes at him. 

What in the world. 

"What does trust have to do with any of this?" The Boss snarled. 

"If you don't trust your Eiji enough to know he is tough, then maybe that's why you're in this position." That pushed his buttons hard

"Just shut UP!" He forced Eiji to a side, and stormed off. "F*cking hell." 

"At least think about what I just said!" The Boss heard him call out. He shook his head in anger. What did he know?

He's the boss of an entire Mafia, but for some reason, there are things he just can't obtain.

He wanted to go back to his Eiji. But who will grant him that?

He wanted to prevent the incident that caused his parents' death. But who will grant him that?

He wanted to be able to date a cute bodyguard. But who will grant him that?

Maybe, in the end, the Boss wanted to live Jun's life. 

But who will grant him that?

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