Kyle and Yeona: A chat

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It started with a disagreement. 

Some of the survivors had differing opinions regarding a new strategy for distracting killers long enough for generators to be completed smoothly. It was supposed to be a civil discussion. 

That was, until it wasn't.

Some of them started shouting, hurling names at those who opposed their point of view. Their voices rose to a crescendo and soon, everyone could hear it. 

To some, it was uncomfortable, to others, it was annoying. 

But to survivors like Adriana, Amari and Yeona, the arguing was painful. 

It reminded them of the sad relationships they lived in, of their own parents fighting in the confines of their homes, as they desperately tried to find ways to block the noise out. 

Adriana quickly found herself in the arms of Yara, being comforted and soothed. 

Amari hid in his cabin, only allowing a magician to enter and talk. 

And Yeona?

Well, Yeona was alone. 

Since she was young, Yeona had a lack of friends. She wasn't the popular girl in school, and rarely did people take notice of her. 

This was how she lived her life, be it in school or at home.

Her headspace was muddled, conflicted. She walked into her cabin and locked the door, the wooden board doing nothing to muffle the loud screaming outside. 

She held her head in her hands and let her tears fall silently. It will be okay, she tried to assure herself. The fighting will stop soon, and then...

And then, what? 

She reminded herself that they were in the Mist. This was a creepy and unknown entity that seemed to be sentient, and able to control the environment around them. 

They were all in its territory, and they didn't know how to get out. 

She squeezed her eyes shut, the little nagging voice in her head getting louder. 

You can't escape

Where would you go if you did?

Will you ever make it?

Is someone going to die? 

She swallowed thickly and started humming her favourite tune, Close To You by STAR*STRUCK. Her voice carried a shakiness and sometimes the key was off, but she didn't mind. This was her favourite song, and right now it was doing a good job at soothing her. 

She took a deep breath in and began singing Byung-Ho's solo part. It was her most favourite part and she wanted it to sound good. As she sang, the loud screaming slowly tuned itself out, and she felt a tiny bit better. 

She carefully stood up, and let her voice fill the empty cabin that was hers. She wasn't shy anymore, and proudly sang the song like an anthem. She felt lighter, and could barely register the screaming voices outside. 

That was until a different sound caught her attention. 

It sounded like crying, and Yeona was surprised. Did the argument get so bad one of the people shouting started to cry? 

Slowly opening the door of her cabin, she carefully made her way to where the arguing happened. She plugged her fingers into her ears and squinted to try and see better. 

Strange, nothing. It was just fighting. 

She sighed and walked back to her cabin, when she heard the crying again. 

"What's going on?" she wondered. She strained her ears and followed the crying to the Wolfe cabin. 

"Huh?" she wondered to herself: Who was crying? She doubted Serena would cry, she was quite tough. And Kyle didn't seem like the type to cry either. 

Nonetheless, she rapped on the door of the cabin, calling out: "Hello? Is someone there?" 

"Get lost." Yeona froze for a second when she heard the reply. This was Kyle's voice, so Kyle was the one crying? 

"Kyle? It's me, Yeona. May I come in?" she decided to see if she could do something for him. 

"No." was the rough reply. 

"Then, can I talk to you while I sit outside here?" 

The silence that came after was slightly suffocating, but it was broken by the soft "okay" from the other side. 

She sat down on the steps of the cabin. "So, what would you like to talk about?" 

She waited for a response, as she was sure he needed time to think of a topic. 

"Do... do you like beans?" that question was pretty random, but she took the chance presented to her. 

"Depends on the type of bean." she would grin. 

"What's your opinion on red beans?"

They moved from beans to movies, going into a fun debate about which genre is better. They had a contest to see who could come up with the funniest word, and they even agreed on the best ice cream flavour. 

They talked and talked until Yeona looked up to see Serena peering down at her. 

"I'm sorry Yeona, but what are you doing at my cabin?" the Wolfe sister asked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was just talking to Kyle." she looked behind her to see the door still shut. 

"I see, I hope I didn't interrupt you-" she opened the door of the cabin and Yeona saw Kyle sitting on the floor. 

She stood up and brushed her clothes of any dirt. "Not at all, I was just about to leave." she bowed her head slightly and turned to get a move on.

"Yeona." Kyle's voice rang out. 

"Yes?" she turned to look at him. 

"Thank you." 

If Yeona asked her past self what she wanted, the old Yeona would tell her that all she wanted was a friend. 

Yeona was aware that she couldn't change her past, or give the past her a buddy. 

But for now, she can be Kyle's friend if he wanted her to. 

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