The Golden Hour (P3-NGNathan Highschool AU)

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A/N: Hi folks! Puffs here. This is a small ficlet based on the song 'Golden Hour' by JVKE. This is a highschool AU so here is a bit of background:
P3-NG is the son of Lei and Ai Tian, and is the older brother of Yan.
Nathan is not Yan's bodyguard, but instead her best friend and the most popular jock in school.
P3-NG will be written as Peng here to make his name more human.

This ficlet is dedicated to our P3-NG enthusiast - Shane!

Enjoy you P3-NGNathan shippers!






"Peng it's too loud, can you make it softer please-" the school's most popular jock winced at how loud it was.

"Sorry Nathan. I'll do that." The soft-spoken nerd turned down the volume of the car's radio.

falling for each other

Nathan sighed in relief. "Thanks Peng. It was too loud."

"Sorry." Peng looked out at the sunset. It was very beautiful. He smiled softly.

He felt so lucky to love Nathan, and that Nathan loved him back. It wasn't because Nathan was a jock.

It was because he saw Nathan as a kind, funny person who made life so much better.

"Look!" Nathan suddenly called out. When Peng turned around to look, he noticed Nathan pointing to two small moving snowballs moving on the grass. They had long ears and twitched their pink little noses.

"Those are rabbits." Peng looked at them. "Although I wonder why they're up so early? Rabbits are nocturnal."

Nathan shrugged. "Maybe something woke them up. I'm gonna go over and pet them, okay?" He opened the car door to reach the little snowballs. The rabbits ran off when they saw Nathan, alarmed.

"Aw man, come back!" Nathan ran over to reach them. Peng watched from the car as Nathan ran around trying to catch a rabbit. He chuckled, wondering how this guy could be so cute doing the most stupid things.

This was why Peng wanted Nathan in the first place. Outside of being a jock, Nathan was the sweetest guy, friendly and never hesitant to help others.

Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish
No Donald Glover

"Come back you little rascals!" He huffed, trying to capture one of the rabbits but failing miserably. Peng decided it was time to step in, and he walked out of the car over to a berry bush. "Raspberries." He noted. "These should do." He walked over to Nathan and whistled.

"What?" As Nathan turned around, Peng almost had a heart attack. The candy pink and bright orange of the evening sky framed Nathan's face in a way that made him glow, giving his mahogany skin a warm hue of the sunset. The sky's colours swam in his brown eyes like small lakes from a mystical land, and with his smile they were bent like crescent moons. Peng was so stunned he lost his words for a moment. 

Nathan stared at him, confused for a moment. "What? Are you okay. Is there something on my face?"

When Peng snapped out of it, he shook his head. "No- I-" He looked away, his face a deep shade of crimson.

"Okay?" Nathan walked over to him. "what did you want to tell me?" He pulled Peng into a hug.

"Gah-!" Peng jumped, utterly stunned from by the sudden gesture. "I j-just wanted to tell you that-!"

He looked down when he felt something in his pocket vibrate. His phone was ringing. He reached in to pick up but ended up not picking it up in time.

"What was that?" Nathan tilted his head.

"Missed call from my mother." He sighed and dialled her number to call her back. Once he did, a soft voice, warm like a summer's sun and sweet like honey, started to bombard him with questions.

"Where you at tonight?" His mother was worried because Peng forgot to update her on his whereabouts.

Peng blushed, embarrassed this time, but decided to answer truthfully. "Got no alibi, I was all alone..."

"All alone?! You should come home now!" His mom squawked like a cockatoo. She was even more worried now, and a little scared something would happen to her son. Peng could only giggle at how funny she was when she squawked.

"I was all alone with the love of my life! He's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night..." Peng blushed as he spoke. "I don't need no light..."

Nathan tilted his head. "Peng? You okay? You're blushing."

Peng turned around to face Nathan, unable to contain what he wanted to say anymore. "I don't need no light to see you shine!"

Nathan was taken aback. "What? Peng what do you mean?" His face was slightly red from what he just heard.

"It's your golden hour!" Peng took a step closer and gently grabbed Nathan's hands. "You slow down time!" He smiled widely at the jock, his jock. He didn't need to share these moments with anyone in the school. No matter how popular Nathan was, these moments were for them both, and only for them both.

"In your golden hour." He pulled Nathan in for a kiss, letting his mom fangirl through the phone that was now on the grass.

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