Saadiya and Amari: Whoops!

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'The killer is nearing you Amari, you have to get out of there!' Emery's voice crackled from the communicator. 

"Sh*t. How the hell am I supposed to-" Amari looked to the left then the right. Jun, who was ironically dressed as a cat maid, was doing a gen, and Saadiya was hiding behind a table. 

"Okay, so... how close is th-" he didn't need to look far, for Nathan ran in. He was dressed as a cow of all things! No wonder the killer kept screaming "BEEF"! 

"Nathan?" Jun stood up, and the gen BLEW.

"Oh f*ck!" Amari panicked. The killer would know their location! 

Jun sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry-" 

"No time everyone, let's move!" Nathan grabbed Jun's wrist and... Oh Nathan was moving nowhere. He wasn't strong enough to pull the quarterback an inch. 

"Sorry-!" Jun ran and dragged the bogyguard along with him.

Saadiya got her racks ready, and Amari's eyes widened. 

"Saadiya be careful!" He pushed her out of the way, them both falling to the side as a knife zipped past them. 

"He's here!" Amari cursed under his breath.

Wren, in his full Alpha glory (credits to Boba Day for this Wren Alpha concept), locked his knife back into the holster. His beautiful Alpha's mark, shaped like the moon and the stars, glowed brighter than before.

"I've found you."  His mask was dangling from his neck, his bloodshot eyes narrowing as he lunged at them. 

Saadiya screamed and jumped out of the way, Amari barely dodging, though his cheek was cut. "Gah-!"

"No, Amari! Are you okay?!" the girl panicked. 

"I'm fine Saadiya. Run to the left, I will go right!" Amari parkoured past the benches and made a dash for the next vault spot. 

Saadiya nodded and ran in the other direction. "Now, I just have to hold him off right? What should I-" she had an idea. 

She placed her horse's rack on the nearest vault to her, effectively blocking that route. 

"SAADIYA YOU DUMBASS-" She suddenly heard Amari scream.

"Amari?!" she turned to look at him. 

"O-oh no-!" her eyes widened. 

Amari had been running towards the vault nearest to Saadiya, but she didn't noticed and blocked his vault! 

"I HATE YOU SAADIYA-" he crashed right into the horse's rack, his momentum not stopping enough for him to turn. 

"Amari!" she wanted to go close to him but he held his hand up.


"A-Amari?" She was perplexed. 

"I f*cking hate you Saadiya. Kill yourself." But he still didn't let her walk to him as Wren drove a knife into his back. 

She screamed and ran off as Amari's body turned to mist. 

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