Iris and Lyndon: Saved, At Last

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Lyndon peered over the complicated thingamabob known as a generator. The flower lady, Iris, was talking to that guy with a sad excuse for a beard. Jun, was it?

He frowned. While he wouldn't admit it, it stung. Seeing how close the two friends were reminded him of his own friends.

Unfortunately those friends were long gone, lost to the raids of enemy pirate ships.

He huffed sadly and went back to toying with the generator, trying - and failing - for the umpteenth time to get it to work.

"Excuse me, Lyndon was it?" The pirate groaned quietly. The flower girl just had to ruin his quiet moment.

"Yar, ta what I have the honour of talkin' ta a pretty lass such as yerself?" He decided to at least be polite to her, since she was just being nice.

"Well, I can't help but notice you seem to be struggling with fixing that generator. I know someone who can guide you if you need help." Iris gave him a comforting smile.

"Teach me ta do a gen? That's a load of whale blubber! I'm a pirate, lass, and pirates just ain't cut out fer technology or whatever it's called." Lyndon shook his head.

"Well, alright. Can I help you with the gen though? To make the progress faster."

Lyndon didn't know what to think about that, but he took it as a punch to his pride. "Nah, a pretty lass such as yerself shouldn't be tinkering with such nasty beasts of the future."

"I'm more than just a dainty, pretty girl!" Iris looked amused instead of hurt.

"Well either way, I'm almost finished with it. Ye could go do another gen, if ye so please."

She stood up with an understanding nod. "Very well. Good luck with your gen!"

Lyndon watched as she placed a pot of life down, and walked off to find another gen to do.

He looked at the gorgeous plant before him. He rarely saw greenery due to him being at sea all the time, and things like these left him in awe. "Such a beauty, I say." He picked up the pot and felt the magic course through his veins. He smiled, feeling stronger than ever before.

He ducked away when he saw Sarah, the lone wolf, come over to his gen. He knew she was a loner and respected that. He knew how it felt, to want some alone time to yourself.

He made his way to a half finished gen. 'They ran off before they could finish it.' He noted. 'A shame really. It looks almost done.'

He knelt down and started tampering with the wires, praying he was making frontwards progress.

He looked up when he suddenly heard a scream.

"HELP! HELP ME!" Lyndon's eyes widened.

It was Iris!

He looked around for any signs of Jun. Normally when Iris was in trouble Jun would come to her rescue.

He furrowed his brows when he realized Jun was nowhere near them.

That meant Jun was really far from them.

He looked at Iris in panic, the frosty lass Host having set an icy trap and she stepped into it. "Help! I'm stuck!"

Lyndon realized the Host had her attack ready, and if Iris didn't flee soon she would be downed.

"Jiggle your leg more lass! Move the ice side to side!" Having been trapped in traps before, Lyndon knew how to escape a variety of them.

He sighed in relief when Iris pulled herself free and started running.

Now he could focus on the gens-

Another piercing shriek ripped through the air.

Lyndon looked up and his heart sank.

Iris was caught, and the Host was about to strike her.

He looked around once again for Jun, but he was still too far to come to Iris's aid.

"No..." He stared helplessly at the two, Iris looking panicked but closed her eyes to admit defeat.

Lyndon closed his own eyes and looked up, realizing he was back in his own ship.

He saw all his friends lying on the deck, no signs of life in them.

He fell to his knees, and an ugly sob tore through his throat.

He blinked his tears away and looked up again, noticing that Iris was about to go through that same fate.

He narrowed his eyes, muttering a soft "Not yet."

"Rauhm... Save her! Please!" He raised his arms, and his beautiful scarlet macaw took to the sky.


He watched anxiously as Rauhm glided towards the killer and her victim, and stopped in between them.

Blessed by the Mist, Rauhm glowed brightly and a shield formed around Iris. "Squawk! Protect! Protect!"

The Host's attack was blocked, and Iris could run away when the shield let up.

"I... I did it... I did it! Oh sweet mother of pearl I did it!" Lyndon raised his arms in the air as victory.

It wasn't long lived, however, as the Host froze him up and he felt colder and colder, his vision going dark...


Lyndon groaned and sat up. "Wha... What the?"

"Oh, you're awake!" Iris smiled brightly at him.

"What happened? I feel like I fell into the ocean !" Lyndon held his head.

"After your heroic act, the Host noticed you and attacked you." Iris rubbed her arm. "You were very brave. Thank you."

"Don't mention it lass. You needed help, so I gave it to ya." Lyndon waved his hand dismissively.

Iris smiled a tiny bit at him. "You're a good captain, captain Lyndon. I'm sure your crew would be proud of you."

Lyndon smiled a little bit, looking down.

"I hope they are."

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