OME #1 - Wren: Lie in the Bed You Made

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Welcome to Open My Eyes, the Who? AU through the eyes of the killers, and how each of them either crumble to their guilt or gaslight themselves into denial. 

The Slasher removed his gloves and stared holes into his two hands. These hands were splattered in the blood of innocents. He knew that. 

Each time he faced Tabitha, she'd look at him in disgust instead of endearment. No matter how he explained himself she wouldn't hear it. 

And he knew he couldn't blame her. 

"You're a monster, Wren. You're not the man I once loved, I can't even f*cking look at you." 

He took a slow, shaky breath in. All his efforts to make the streets safe became twisted as his mind warped into something more sinister. He wanted the power to determine if you were worthy of living. He wanted a "justice" he no longer understood the meaning to. He became exactly what he was trying to eradicate. 

"Wren. Wren look up."

As he did, he was face to face with the calm expression donned on the Host's face. Alexis, a former scientist that was infected with a bug and turned into a dangerous entity. She was smart, she was calm, and yet she was lethal. 

"Did you want something, Alexis?" he would slowly remove the mask that covered his face from the world. 

"I can tell when your thoughts drown your conscious mind." her frosted hand extension faded and the two would stare at each other in a silent conversation. 

'What's done is done.' Alexis had always told him. As these words rang loudly in his ears, he came to a few realizations at once. 

How he had chosen this life. 

How he walked into a dangerous path and got himself invovled with the unknown. 

How this was a way of judging him for his deeds. 

"Remember Jack?" the man rasped weakly. He remembered how he got a lucky shot when the pizza boy was crouched. He was meant to be undetectable, but for some reason Wren was able to make out his outline and fire the shot at him. 

"Yes?" Alexis wondered what Wren was hinting at, as Wren's thoughts can become scattered and fall apart relatively quickly. 

"I saw his boyfriend today, his name was... Eli? Uhhh Ellie Jar I think?" This man was capable of butchering anyone's name, given the fact he, Daryl and heck Lawrence were called 'Boomers' by Kiara, and struggled with modern day things. 

"I think his name was not that-" Alexis wanted to both laugh and cry at this slander against the poor camp counsellor. 

"Well whatever! I saw Ellie Jar today and he looked sad as ever. I don't know why but... he reminded me of me when I lost my family." Wren sighed and pressed the tip of his knife against his finger to test the sharpness. 

"I see." Alexis nodded. She understood what Wren was trying to say. The man was a big enough person to admit he was wrong, compared to some of the deluded killers like Lawrence or Taliyah. He was also unlike Cole, who weeped in regret all the time. Wren had the mental strength to know he was wrong, and keep pushing on despite that. 

That was what made Wren one of the prized killers of the Mist. 

"I just feel guilty for what I did to the pizza boy." Wren looked over at the ex-scientist, watching as her eyes tried to focus but she suffered due to the bug. "Do you ever feel guilty?"

"All the time." She sighed and watched as the air blew out a puff of cold fog due to her making the air around her cold. 

"But we still do it anyways." Wren smiled a sad smile, watching as she nodded. 

"We made our bed, we gotta lie in it."

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