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Jennie POV

It's 2pm and I'm still in bed. I hate hangover Sundays. I don't know why I followed Rosé and Jimin last night. Now I can't stand the headache, I can't stand the thirst, I can't stand anything. Anyway, I'm going to check Tinder for a while to see if I can clear my head.

Left. Left. Left.

Well, I don't know if I'm too demanding or if people just don't make an effort at all. But with the photos they post and the silly descriptions I'm... I'm speechless. The last one I've passed.

Description: Discover me.

Why? If there's an option to describe yourself, it's because we want to know in advance if I want to discover you or not.Left.

'Oh, wait'

The next girl immediately caught my eye. Brown hair, just above her shoulders. She looks good with fringe and she knows it. She has an intense, slightly arrogant gaze and smiles sideways. I have to admit that since my first kiss in high school, I've had a thing for girls with that "I'm going to break your heart" look. Her description...

'I'm Jisoo. Chicken lover. Turn right and have fun with me.'

It's a bit weird but the teenage girl in me decides to overlook it because she has such stunning eyes.


And see what happens.

'I need an Ibuprofen.'

Lisa POV

Sunday afternoon lying in bed. I don't want to get up today. Twitter session, Netflix and maybe order a hypercaloric dinner. I've got the cats cuddled up next to me and I'm falling asleep with the movie I've put on when Jisoo comes in excitedly.

JISOO: Lisa, Lisa, Lisa.

LISA: What?

JISOO: I've met the love of my life, the mother of my children and your future sister-in-law.

LISA: Jisoo, we're not sisters...

JISOO: Shut up and take a look.

She shows me a picture of a girl on her smartphone. She has straight brown hair, a pretty nose and a feline look. She's gorgeous. I didn't know there were girls this beautiful on this app, and the truth is that if Jisoo hadn't seen her before, she'd be 100% my type.

LISA: Wow. I really have to create a profile.

JISOO: We've matched.

LISA: So you mean she's matched me.

I smile and cross my hands behind my neck.

JISOO: As soon as she gets to know me she won't even remember your photo.

LISA: Sure...

I laugh.

JISOO: Every girl I've met, as soon as they've seen me in person, they've fallen in love with my prettiness.

LISA: Have you talked to her yet?

JISOO: No... What should I tell her?

LISA: I don't know, tell her hello? Ask her if she likes chicken, I don't know.

JISOO: No, that's already in my profile and she' s going to think that there' s something weird going on with me and the chicken.

LISA: Do you have a profile that says you like chicken?

I look at her with a grimace, I said the chicken thing as a joke.

JISOO: They have to know who I am.

'Right, with my face.'

LISA: Yes, just the way you are... -I told her and chuckled.

JISOO: Okay, I'm going to deploy my seductive arts to see if I can get her.

LISA: Let's go, Romeo.

Jennie POV

My phone rings, Jisoo, the beautiful girl from Tinder, has texted me.

JISOO: Hi, I'm the girl with the poetry.

JENNIE: What? Hello.

JISOO: Hehe, just kidding. How are you?

JENNIE: Well, I've got a terrible hangover, what do you do?

JISOO: Hehe, I was having a horrible Sunday too until you texted me back.

JENNIE: Are we gonna improve our day?

JISOO: You bet.

We were chatting for the rest of the day. I got a really weird feeling talking to her. It's like I don't really get her humour, but she's a nice girl. Plus, she'shot as hell and even though I hate myself sometimes for being so shallow, I've been really impressed.


Throughout the week I've been chatting with Jisoo on the app. I have a lot of work to do and I actually find it quite entertaining to read her nonsense. I even find her funny sometimes. I showed the pictures to Rosé and she agreed that she was very pretty. She found the conversations quite funny. It seems that her sense of humour is very much Rosé's type.

On Friday Rosé came to pick me up at the office for lunch. She works one floor below me in my father's company building, Kim Company. Here I am the director of marketing department, I'm always trying to do my best to prove to people (and as much as it hurts to admit it, to myself) that I'm here on my own merits and not because I'm the daughter of the company's owner. After all, I passed my Degree and Master's, not my father. Sometimes I have the feeling that people don't appreciate it here, but I'm always the first to arrive and the last to leave.

X: Helloooo.

JENNIE: Rosé -I smiled.

ROSÉ: Are we gonna eat? I need to get out of here, I'm starving to death.

I giggled.

JENNIE: Okay, I don't want you to die.

We go down to the restaurant across the street, it's one of the best in town and the food is amazing. My father's company is located in the loop of the city, where the most important companies in Seoul are located.

We ate talking about nonsense and when dessert came she asked me what she was really curious about.

ROSÉ: How's it going with the Tinder girl?

JENNIE: The one with the stunning eyes?

ROSÉ: The one with the cool sense of humour.

'Yeah, she's the Queen of humour.'

JENNIE: Well, we're still chatting, I like her, she's nice...

ROSÉ: Nice... -she looks at me with a mischievous smile.

JENNIE: Actually, I'm very curious. I'd like to meet her in person.

ROSÉ: Then things get serious.

JENNIE: Yes, wedding. -I grimaced and Rosé chuckled, covering her mouth. -I'll ask her to meet this weekend, and see how it goes.

ROSÉ: Oh, cheesecake is coming, we'll talk, now I need silence to enjoy it.

I giggled.

JENNIE: You're like a child.


I texted Jisoo that afternoon before I left theoffice. I proposed to meet her on Saturday, to have a drink and maybe dinner. She accepted.

Tinder - Jenlisa (English version)Where stories live. Discover now