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Jennie POV

This week I'm going to New York with Lisa and I'm quite nervous. Since that night at her house we haven't shared any private time together, I always try to avoid it, but as soon as we get on the plane on Thursday I'm not going to have much of an escape.

I actually feel guilty. I've been thinking for months that I'm at the perfect time to be in a relationship, to meet someone real to connect with, to share everything with... and I end up stuck with my ultra-sexy, ultra-heartbreaker assistant. It's not what I want. Maybe a year ago I'd be happy to cross paths with Lisa and I'm sure we'd have... well, really good times. But now I don't want that. I want something like what I have with Jeongyeon but for real. Why is that so hard? The problem is that whenever I try to get closer to Jeongyeon, whenever I propose that we meet or see each other in person, she always refuses, gives me excuses... I start to think that she doesn't like me, that she's just fooling around (and I'm wasting my time) or even that maybe she doesn't even exist. And yet I keep texting her every day and getting my hopes up. I want to meet her. I wouldn't even care if in person she was different or not as pretty as in the pictures, her personality makes her win a lot of points, it's just what I'm looking for.


On Thursday we are ready to take the plane. Lisa has just arrived with two suitcases.

JENNIE: Lisa, you remember we're leaving for four days?

She looks at me confused.

LISA: Yes, why?

JENNIE: Because you're carrying two suitcases.

I point to them as if it's obvious.

LISA: I just couldn't decide, plus, this way I have more space to pack whatever we buy.

Why did she say it in plural? There she goes again with that damn smile. I have to stop looking at her like this, I have to get rid of this kind of stupid crush on her. Lisa is my assistant, my friend and a complete dickhead. I like interesting girls like Jeongyeon, not dickheads.


Lisa POV

Four days in New York with Jennie, right now I could run around the entire airport jumping and dancing with happiness. But I don't because I'm a serious, adult, and professional person who is also on a business trip. But I'm looking forward to it. Jennie looks gorgeous with her suitcase.

When we get on the plane the flight attendant grabs my arm.


When I look at her I realise it's Irene.

LISA: Irene, what are you doing here?

We hug and she laughs.

IRENE: Working.

LISA: I know, it was a stupid question, I meant what's your life like, how long.

Jennie looks at us and clears her throat.

JENNIE: Can we go on?

Irene looks at her.

IRENE: Excuse me, miss, go on. -She looks at me and whispers, -I'll talk to you later.

I smile.

Irene was my first girlfriend in high school, when we were 14. We were together for a year and she was the best first girlfriend in the world. Then I got older and as a teenager I became a bit of an idiot and ended up leaving her because I wanted to hook up with almost every girl I knew and it didn't make sense to have a girlfriend, but until then it was great. I hadn't seen her for years, I didn't know she was a flight attendant.

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