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Lisa POV

Right now I'd like a hole opened up in the ground and just crawl into it until I disappear, or get abducted by aliens, anything that gets me out of here in a second and I don't have to respond to that because now I have to respond, I have to be brave and I don't know if I'm ready for that. If I run away, would that be too weird?

'Fucking hell, that would be horrible.'

LISA: Well... you. A little bit. I mean, I don't know. Sometimes?

'What the fuck did I just say?'

Jennie smirks. Is she getting cocky? Is she going to say something? Does she like me? What does that face mean?

JENNIE: Come on, let's dance.

She grabs me and we start moving. We'd been in the middle of the dance floor for the whole conversation and I hadn't even realised what songs were playing. But I want her to answer, it's not fair. She's forcing me to talk instead of her, she's playing dirty.

LISA: Do you like me?

I can't see my face, but noticing the temperature of my cheeks I can imagine it, causing me even more embarrassment. Asking something like that with an idiot face is the worst, I try to change my expression but I don't think I'm fixing it.

JENNIE: Sometimes.


I'm in shock. Does she like me? But... what? She doesn't hate me, she likes me sometimes. Have I got this right? By like, does she mean... like? Damn, that's what she means. I gulp down what's left of my drink, I need more alcohol. She likes me.

JENNIE: Why do you always drink so fast?

LISA: Because I need to sober up.

JENNIE: I think it has the opposite effect.


The song we were dancing to ends and one of the Magnums starts playing. We look at each other and start jumping. I'm in heaven right now, I'm floating on a fucking cloud and Jennie's floating with me.

LISA: You're going to be as big a fan as I am.

JENNIE: They sound great.

We spent the whole song goofing around. I tried to teach her a few steps of the choreography and she managed to memorise the chorus quite well. I like dancing with her, the rest of the people in the room don't exist. Was there anyone else in here?

When the song ended, another song started to play, which wasn't as upbeat, but it sounded good too. The music in the club was great, I love New York.

JENNIE: Have you drunk enough?

LISA: What for?

JENNIE: To answer this afternoon's question for me.

LISA: I think you know the answer.

She's had a little too much alcohol. Her eyes are shining brighter than usual. I move closer to her, I want us to dance close, I want to feel her.

JENNIE: You didn't want it to be a date because you like me sometimes?

LISA: Sort of. Do you?

JENNIE: I never said I cared if you went on a date.

LISA: So you didn't mind?

JENNIE: You know the answer too.

Can't she tell me anything? Why is she such a cheat?

LISA: I don't know what you're talking about.

I look at her with wide eyes.

She moves closer to my ear, the smell of her hair intoxicates me.

JENNIE: You know I did care, shut up already.

When she breaks away my face must be epic because as soon as she looks at me she bursts out laughing. Her cheeks are as red as my face, I like it.

JENNIE: Let's get something to drink.

LISA: Please, yes.

We start walking towards the bar, Jennie is in front of me, we've barely taken two steps when she turns to look at me. I bump into her because I wasn't expecting it but before I can apologise she smiles and grabs my hand. Just like that. Her.hand.in.my.hand. I feel a shiver in my stomach, her touch is incredible, it's soft, it's small, and it fits in mine perfectly. Like they were made to be held together. I'm getting dizzy like I've been on drugs. And she just held my hand. Just that.

JENNIE: Two G&Ts, please.

She releases my hand and I feel all good things come to an end. I walk to the bar in slow motion, like in a bad sunday afternoon romantic movie. I thought it was just a crappy effect they put in for thrills, but it's actually like that, time really slows down and everyone around me seems to disappear.

'Or maybe I'm drunker than I thought.'

Jennie holds my drink out to me.

I like that she didn't order rum, Jennie's a classy girl.

JENNIE: Shall we go back to the others?

The others. I don't even remember them anymore. Damn, he's our client and we've ignored him half the night. And Irene, now I feel guilty, I've seen her once in eight years and yet I can't wait for her to go away, to leave us alone. I want to be able to really get close to her, to kiss her, to hold her, to feel her. All of it. I want it all.

LISA: Yes. 

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