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Lisa POV

We went outside to wait for Taehyung, Jungkook's assistant, who would take us to the hotel. We tried to refuse the offer but Jungkook insisted and in the end we will go with them.

JENNIE: Why don't you do the same?

LISA: What?

JENNIE: Jungkook's assistant also drives him.

LISA: Now you want me to be your driver?

JENNIE: That wouldn't be bad.

LISA: If my boss could give me a company car...

JENNIE: We can negotiate that.

Taehyung arrives and we all get into the car. Jungkook sits in the passenger seat and Irene, Jennie and I sit in the back. Our hotel is close by and we could have walked, I would have preferred it.

JUNGKOOK: Did you have a good time?

JENNIE: Very much so.

LISA: Yes, New York is very different from Seoul, I liked it.

Taeh starts to tell us about the pubs we could have gone to at night, the music they play in each, the vibe... in case we wanted to go out again tomorrow, apparently he's an expert on New York nightlife. As he explains, I feel Jennie's hand on my thigh, a little higher than what might be considered normal. I shiver and become nervous, I also stop listening to Taehyung. I look at her, trying to say 'What are you doing' with my eyes, but she's looking straight ahead, not at me, nodding at what the boys are telling us and squeezing my thigh. My head is exploding. Not just my head, every squeeze of Jennie's hand on my thigh translates into a tingle in my lower abdomen. I feel like I'm running out of air, unable to say anything, unable to hear anything.

I don't know how long it took to get to the hotel, or how, or when, I wasn't aware of anything since Jennie started touching me, but the point is that we got there. We say goodbye to the others and get out of the car. I don't dare say anything to her, I don't know what to say. My head is blocked right now, I'm nervous, I'm anxious, I'm excited and I'm scared. Because we're alone for the first time after I've told her all those things, because I haven't finished downing the alcohol yet, because I don't know what to say to her now, because I like her more than I want to admit, because I'm scared that she's not at the same point...

She doesn't say anything to me either, we just walk towards the elevator. The silence isn't uncomfortable, it's pleasant, I feel at ease with it. I'd rather be silent next to her a thousand times than exchange five hundred words with anyone else.

We got into the elevator and looked at each other. As if we were really talking with our minds. She smiles. I smile. Her eyes sparkle, I've never seen that look in her before. I love it.

JENNIE: Did you have a good time?

LISA: Yes. Did you?

JENNIE: A lot.

She looks like she wants to tell me something else, but she remains silent. We keep looking at each other, she bites her lip, it kills me and I can't take any more. I approach her, she welcomes me with delight, I put my hands on her waist, I caress her, I pull her towards me. Her eyes are fixed on my mouth.

'I need to kiss her now.'

But the elevator opens and a couple enters, so we have to nervously separate. Jennie giggles under her breath but I can't laugh, I want to scream in frustration, I want to throw them out of the elevator, I want to make it clear to them that they are my worst enemies in the world right now.

I think I've done well because they look uncomfortable. I glance sideways at Jennie, she seems to find the situation amusing. Now I hate that our rooms are on such a high floor, the elevator ride takes forever.

'I can't breathe.'

When we finally reach our floor Jennie politely says goodbye to the obnoxious couple, I give them a dirty look. The elevator closes and she laughs.

JENNIE: For a moment there I thought you were going to kick them out.

I don't want to talk about them, I don't want to hear anything. I walk up to her, push her against the wall and then kiss her. Before anyone can interrupt us, in the middle of the corridor. She wraps her arms around my neck and responds to the kiss with intensity. Her lips burn, her tongue caresses mine, and for a moment I lose the strength in my legs. We kiss hungrily, with desire. I bite her lip and she moans into my mouth. My hands move over her hips, I press her against me, I want to feel her body, I need it against me.

JENNIE: Wait... Wait.

She tries to pull away but I keep kissing her, she laughs.

JENNIE: Lisaa...

I find it physically difficult to move away from her mouth but I manage to regain my composure. We both gasp.

LISA: What?

JENNIE: Not here.

LISA: No place works for you.

I smile, wrap my arms around her and lean my head on her shoulder in frustration. I feel like biting her neck, but I hold back so she doesn't scold me.

JENNIE: That's not true. Come.

She grabs my hand and drags me into her room.

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