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(Hi, I'm the author. The fic has just reached 1000 reads and I wanted to thank you all :D)

Lisa POV

I'm having dinner with Jennie and it feels weird. We've had a great evening, we've connected. I've been thinking about her for a while, craving her, obsessing over her, and I've always thought she hated me or that I had zero chance. But today... I don't know. I've realized that I make her laugh, that she can be comfortable with me, that we can go for hours without arguing.

When we are this good I feel that everything is in place, as it should be, when Lisa and Jennie talk and I can let her get to know me as I am. She actually knows me better than most of the people around me, but she doesn't know it because she thinks the person she talks with every night is Jeongyeon. She also seems different when we talk at night, more relaxed, more sincere. Although deep down I wish it was like that with me too, I enjoy getting to know all her sides, even though deep down I know it's not fair to her and that I'm cheating on her. For a moment this afternoon I was tempted to explain myself, to take off my mask and tell her everything I have to hide. But I didn't dare. Deep down I'm a coward, I'm too afraid to push her away. To push her away from Lisa, to push her away from Jeongyeon... I don't want to lose either of the two versions, or at least I want to be able to keep one of them. If I tell her this wouldn't happen.

JENNIE: You really like your food.

She pulls me out of my thoughts with a smile.

LISA: What?

JENNIE: That you're really liking the food, you've been quiet for a while.

I laugh.

LISA: The steak is really good, actually.

JENNIE: Sometimes I wonder what it takes to get you to shut up because I don't know if you know but you talk too much... and I think I know what the secret is. A steak.

She looks at me laughing.

'Do I talk too much?'

LISA: Do I talk too much? Really?

JENNIE: You have your moments of intensity, yes. But only sometimes.

LISA: Maybe it's just that you talk too little.

JENNIE: Maybe... I talk too little and you talk too much.

We laugh. I don't know if it's the wine that's got me high, although it shouldn't, because I didn't drink much either. Maybe it's just her laughter that makes me drunk, or I don't know. The lights, the atmosphere, the city, the evening we've spent, maybe all these things are coming together and clouding my judgement (not that my judgement is normally too clear), but I feel like kissing her so intensely that it's drowning me.

LISA: Well, there are many ways to shut me up.

Jennie looks at me, she's stopped laughing and is serious.

JENNIE: I think I've shut you up in other ways.

LISA: Right, by raising your hand with authority and ordering me to bring you coffee.

She smiles at me again.

JENNIE: Or sending you out for photocopies.

LISA: I'm sure you enjoy your boss role very much.

When we're in the office she likes to play the role of the authoritarian and strict boss. I'm not going to deny that I hate it because I'd be lying, but I also have to admit that deep down I'm quite turned on by it.

'But I'm never going to tell her'.

JENNIE: At first, yes, I'm not lying. I was so mad at you that I liked to see you looking angry but smiling.

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