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'Oh my God, Lisa...'

Rosé just went home after telling me a bizarre story about Jennie and Lisa that Jennie had just told her on the phone. At first I was like: No, that's impossible, Rosie. But as it went on it all seemed a bit too Lisa. The typical twisted nonsense she would do because she doesn't think things through before she acts and then it backfires. She doesn't change. I don't think I know anyone like her, a person who hits the same wall ten times and then decides it's a good idea to go for the eleventh.

I hear the key in the door, she's just arrived from New York and I guess she needs me. I come out of my room and find her in the living room with a defeated expression.

JISOO: Lisa, what have you done?

She doesn't answer me. She bursts into tears and plops down on the couch. I sit down next to her and hug her.

JISOO: Come here...

She hugs me while crying for I don't know how long, I don't even care about the clock. She needs me. When it seems she has no more tears left she leans against the backrest.

LISA: Do you know?

JISOO: A little bit. Jennie was talking to Rosé.

LISA: Where is she?

JISOO: She's gone home, I wanted to be alone when you arrived.

LISA: I mean Jennie, where is she?

JISOO: I don't know. At her house?

LISA: She didn't come on the plane.

I have no idea where Jennie is, but I understand that she didn't want to travel with Lisa. Although I'd rather not tell her that because I don't think it's something she needs to hear right now.

LISA: I wanted to explain things to her.

JISOO: Explain them to me?

She looks at me with the same eyes she had when she was getting into trouble as a teenager. I've seen that look too many times but I don't think it's ever hurt her this much.

LISA: I'm an idiot.

JISOO: Yeah...

LISA: On Monday when we were in the office, after Do Yeon's Saturday, she kept texting on her mobile phone, you know?

I nod and let her talk.

LISA: I was angry, I was angry and I thought it was a good idea to make a profile on Tinder. I asked Jeongyeon for pictures.

She looks at me embarrassed and I let her continue.

LISA: But over time I was really enjoying talking to her and I started to get hooked on our conversations. I wanted to tell her, I wanted to close it in the best possible way, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. You know?

JISOO: Yeah.

LISA: On the one hand, I wanted to stop but on the other hand I couldn't stop. I always thought: Tomorrow I'll stop. And every day it was like that, as soon as we said good morning I'd start again and another one, and another one, and another one...

She sighs.

LISA: And suddenly I liked her and I didn't know what to do, I was stuck in all this.

JISOO: Yeah.

LISA: I was getting a little frustrated noticing like she liked "Jeongyeon" but not me and I didn't know how to act about it. But in New York she seemed to like me too and we just fell into it.

Tinder - Jenlisa (English version)Where stories live. Discover now