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Jennie POV

I've been in New York for just over 12 hours and I can barely remember Jeongyeon. That pisses me off. I don't understand why Lisa has such a strong effect on me and I miss the time when we didn't get along and I had an excuse to stay away from her.

'God, I'm attracted to her like crazy.'

I hate myself right now. I don't want to like Lisa, it's not right. I've been talking to Jeongyeon for weeks and thinking I'd finally found someone I could consider having a relationship with or something for real. And twelve hours after being alone with Lisa... Agh, I'm so damn shallow. If I ever had anything with her it would be nonsense, just sex, we couldn't go beyond that, we have nothing in common. If I say yes she says no. I'm calm and she's always nervous. I don't talk much and she doesn't shut up. I choose black and she chooses yellow. I'm always angry with her and she's always angry with me. What's the point of liking someone I have nothing in common with? Besides, we work together, it never works out well.

But on the other hand there is something, I don't know what it is, that I really like about her. Maybe it's a combination of things. The intensity with which her eyes shine, the shape of her mouth when she says Jennie, her sideways smile with a cool face, her smell. When I speak I feel that she listens to me, that she's really interested in what I'm saying. That makes me nervous, everything makes me nervous.

'It's a fucking crush and I hate it.'


The meeting with Jungkook was very productive. He introduced us to the team that will be working with us in the coming months. There will be a group of 5 people coming to Korea in a month's time and we met them. Tomorrow night we will meet the Magnums and Lisa's disappointed face when she found out they weren't there this morning was a sight to behold. She is fangirling so much and I find it adorable.


JUNGKOOK: Well, we're done for today. Tomorrow night you'll see the girls performing the new single.

LISA: Could you send it to us so we can hear it first?

I chuckled under my breath.

JENNIE: Yes, that would be fine.

JUNGKOOK: Sure, I'll email it to you this afternoon. Listen discreetly, it would be terrible if it leaked out.

LISA: Don't worry about it. Thank you very much.

Lisa and I were just leaving the office when Jungkook called me.

JUNGKOOK: By the way, Jennie.


JUNGKOOK: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I know a great restaurant and this way we can catch up, we haven't seen each other for a thousand years and now we're going to work together.

I smiled.

JENNIE: Sure, send me the address and the time and I'll be there.

Lisa looks at Jungkook with sparks in her eyes.

'What's wrong with her?'

When we got out of there we went to eat.

LISA: How do you know Jungkook?

JENNIE: He's a childhood friend.

LISA: Oh..

She stands there thinking for a while and looks like she's going to say something else, but ends up keeping quiet.


LISA: Nothing.

I snorted.

LISA: What's wrong?

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