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Lisa POV

The next two weeks went by faster than I had imagined. I worked every day for more than 10 hours and it seemed as if I did nothing else. My days were tough, all day long I had to put up with Jennie's whims, who treated me as if I was her fucking slave. Her disdain was unbearable, sometimes I wanted to yell at her and tell her to fuck off, but I managed to hold back. Breathe and smile. I have it engraved in my heart. I know it bothers her that I treat her politely and always smile at her, I can see it in her eyes. Anyway, that's all I can do, she's got the upper hand and she takes every opportunity to let me know it.

In the end we had decided to contact several famous streamers and Jisoo was one of them. Jennie finally appreciated the work she was doing, keeping more than 15,000 viewers tuned in for hours every day and recognized that she was the perfect person for the project. Rosé, who was the head of the Image department, had contacted Jisoo for a meeting to explain what her job would entail, although I had already told her about it.

This Saturday morning I've decided to do nothing, I'm not going to leave my room all day. I need to rest and spend a day with my cats, who have been abandoned. I've been with them all day, playing and cuddling them. Leo and Pepe Lee don't leave my side, they have missed me a lot. The female cats, who are traitors, finally decided to go to sleep in Jisoo's room. By the way, she left this morning for the meeting with Rosé and still hasn't returned. In the end, with Leo and Pepe Lee in my arms purring, I ended up sleeping all afternoon.


When I woke up it was late, Jisoo had already came home.

LISA: Morning.

JISOO: Morning... -she giggles. -It's 8 pm, you lazy bum.

LISA: Wow, you don't know how I needed a restorative nap. It's been soooo nice...

JISOO: You're actually looking pretty good compared to the rest of the week.

LISA: I dreamt that I put Jennie in her place. Then I got a job at a rival company and put her out of her misery. -I sigh. -I hate that I woke up.

Jisoo laughs.

JISOO: So that's your new fantasy?

LISA: How was the meeting with Rosé?

JISOO: Ah, that's what I wanna talk about.

She looks at me annoyed.

LISA: What?

JISOO: Why didn't you tell me she was so beautiful? I would have dressed up a lot more, I went as if I was going to meet an old lady and I met a goddess.

'Rosé? Is she beautiful?'

LISA: Rosé? Did you like her?

JISOO: How could I not like her? Have you seen her?

I actually didn't realize she was pretty. She's tall, slim and blonde, she's fine. I think I always see her next to Jennie, I guess I'm concentrating all my anger on her and I don't notice the people around her.

LISA: I hadn't really thought about it.

JISOO: That's because you're obsessed with Jennie and you don't know what's going on around you.

LISA: It's just insufferable, really. If you were in my situation, you'd understand, all day long, pretending to...

JISOO: Stop it. Lisa, don't start. Weekend, unwind.

LISA: Agh, you're right, just don't bring it up, that's enough. Tell me about it. The meeting.

JISOO: Well, it went pretty well. We were talking about work, she told me that she saw my stream and that she liked it a lot. And in the end I accepted the job, we're going to be colleagues, sort of.

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