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Lisa POV

I'm in front of the ice cream shop where I'm meeting Jennie. I plan to stay hidden here until she gets tired of waiting for me and leaves because she thinks I've stood her up. Once she gets up, I'll approach her with a smile and let her watch for a while how I've dressed up for her. My hair is freshly ironed, I've put on my make-up, and I've worn my best-fitting flirty trousers. I don't like to sound arrogant, but I know the effect I cause on women, and she certainly isn't an exception.

After that I'm going to make her feel as bad as Jisoo felt.

Jennie arrived five minutes early and sat at a table on the terrace. I'm not going to deny that she's pretty, she's really very pretty. Petite, with brown hair and cat-like eyes. She was wearing a short black dress with a white collar. It suited her quite well. If she wasn't such an idiot I might even consider meeting her and getting to know her, and who knows.

'But she's a total ass.'

She glanced at her watch several times, I'm sure she's beginning to think I'm standing her up. The waiter has come over to serve her and she's ordered a coffee and smiled politely at him. She has been sitting there for 25 minutes. At 30 she gives up and gets up.

'Time to go in.'

I cross the street and approach the table.

LISA: Hey, hi. -I paint my best smile. My smile is my weapon, girls love it.

She looks at me amazed.

'Okay, okay, she is prettier up close. It's the eyes, they're... wow.'

She smiles.

JENNIE: Hey, I thought you stood me up.

I laughed cockily and sat down in front of her, she was still standing.

LISA: So, do you get stood up a lot?

JENNIE: Not really, but since we were supposed to meet half an hour ago...

LISA: That's right, sorry, I was doing things and I got distracted.

She looked at me thoughtfully, with deep eyes. Then she sat down.

LISA: So, have you been waiting for a long time?

JENNIE: No, don't worry about it, I've been entertained.

'Yeah, you were really entertained.' I laughed to myself.

LISA: You're a lot shorter than you looked in the picture.

She looks at me sweetly. She has a very intense, feline look, and I love cats. 

'Lisa, focus.'

JENNIE: You're actually taller than I thought you'd be, too. -She smiles at me.

LISA: No, really. You're like a midget or something, aren't you?

JENNIE: Excuse me?

LISA: It's just that you're deceiving in your picture. I was expecting a normal girl and you're a dwarf, and weird. I don't know what word to use, actually... -I looked like I was searching for the perfect word- Yes, weird.

JENNIE: I don't know what you're talking about, my height is normal, and I don't think my picture is misleading at all. What do you mean, weird?

LISA: Yes it is, very. Misleading, I mean. And well, normal height... -I rolled my eyes.

I could see in her eyes that she was getting angry, she was sparking. She is so expressive and just by looking at her I can tell what she is thinking. Right now she's trying to hold back the urge to tell me to go fuck myself. I don't understand why she's holding back, with Jisoo she had no qualms about getting cocky.

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