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Jennie POV

The first few hours in New York were exhausting. We arrive in the morning and have the meeting with YG after lunchtime, but Lisa keeps wanting to visit places and do things before that.

I managed to convince her to choose just one place to eat and then we would visit more places, because we needed to prepare ourselves before the meeting and we barely had time. She took me to a burger place that she said she had seen on the internet was the best in town, in a hidden alleyway that we got to in a taxi. Lisa's happy face eating the burger was worth remembering so we were taking pictures while we ate and it was nice, I had a great time. Lisa actually makes me laugh and I like it.

After lunch we went straight to the YG building to meet Jungkook and his team. It was an imposing building, everything Kim Company should be one day, hopefully. If Lisa was nervous you couldn't tell. A guy led us through the building to Jungkook's office, which was on the 75th floor and had a breathtaking view of the city. A dark-haired man with a pleasant smile approaches us.

X: Jennie?

JENNIE: Do I know you?

X: I'm Jungkook, didn't you recognise me?

Wow. He's really changed a lot. Of that thin, sickly boy, there is barely a twinkle in his eye. Now he is a tall man with a deep gaze who radiates self-confidence. He's very attractive. Lisa looks at him in confusion.

JENNIE: Wow, you've changed a lot.

Jungkook laughs.

JUNGKOOK: You too, it's been a long time. Sit down.

He gestures to some armchairs surrounding a table with coffee.

JENNIE: This is Lisa, my assistant.

A boy enters at that moment and we turn to look at him.

JUNGKOOK: And just in time, that's Taehyung, mine.

Taehyung greets us and sits down next to Jungkook.

JUNGKOOK: First of all, I wanted to say that I was very impressed with the campaign you did for the energy drinks. The idea of the mini-games was very original.

Lisa stretched her head proudly and it was a bit funny to me, sometimes I don't think I give her the credit she deserves.

JENNIE: It was all Lisa's idea.

She looks at me with wide eyes and I smile at her.

JUNGKOOK: Well, it was a great idea.

LISA: Thank you.

JENNIE: Once we were clear on the concept, the work just came together. We didn't expect to be so successful, to be honest.

JUNGKOOK: What we want to propose is a bit different. I don't know if you know the work we do here.

JENNIE: Of course we know it.

Lisa nods.

YG is an entertainment company. Or rather it's the entertainment company. They manage the careers of a lot of kpop groups, dancers, musicians, actors....

JUNGKOOK: As soon as I saw the campaign you did I knew I wanted to work with you, I wanted something fresh. And then I found out that it was your doing and that made me decide to contact you.

It's the opportunity of my career, this can't go wrong.

JUNGKOOK: Taeh will explain to you what the campaign is about and what we want, and then we'll discuss the final details.

TAEHYUNG: We have a new girl group, they debuted a little over a month ago and went viral in Korea, I don't know if you've heard of them, Magnum.

Lisa smiles.

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