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Lisa POV

We sit on the couches with Irene and Jungkook who are talking cheerfully. They seem to have hit it off.

JUNGKOOK: Hi girls.

We all smile, even I am smiling at Jungkook, I would smile at anyone right now, I can't help it. Jennie sits across from me and keeps looking at me, she makes me so nervous I want to scream, but scream in a good way, out of joy. Her cat eyes fixed on me, how could I not like a girl with those eyes when I have four cats? It's like a fate thing.

JUNGKOOK: Jennie told me you're a big Magnum fan, did you like the new single?

LISA: Very much.

IRENE: I don't know them.

JUNGKOOK: I hope these two girls make sure no one in this country ever says that again.

JENNIE: They're talented, it won't be hard.

JUNGKOOK: Tomorrow is the show, if you want I can get you a couple of tickets and you bring Seulgi.

'Has she told him about her girlfriend?'

IRENE: I don't know, I have to talk to her. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Jennie looks on curiously.

JENNIE: Seulgi?

IRENE: Yes, she's my girlfriend. I was just telling Jungkook that I can't see her as much as I'd like to with all this work.

Jennie looks sideways at me, chuckling under her breath.

JUNGKOOK: Well, if you want to, you know. Give me a ring and I'll send you the tickets.

LISA: They've got a great live show.

Jungkook smiles proudly as if the compliment was meant for him and continues talking to Irene. I almost have the feeling that Jennie and I are left over. They keep talking to each other and laughing, but I don't even hear the conversation because I only have eyes for Jennie. She's looking at me in silence too. I wish I knew what she was thinking. I wish I could talk to her with my mind, I can think of a lot of things to say to her.

'Although I never dare.'

Right now it's like we're in a bubble isolated from others. She knows it, I know it. I want to kiss her with an intensity that chokes me, to stand up right now, to go towards her and kiss her as if the world were going to end tomorrow. I'm burning inside that I can't do it because it's not the place or the time with Irene and Jungkook talking nonsense next to us. I sigh loudly and she laughs, as if she's finally found a way to read my mind. She laughs and looks at me with an idiot face, I didn't know she had one too. Her idiot face is beautiful, I wish I could take a picture of it, I want to immortalise that image. I'm going to engrave it forever in my head.


Damn Jungkook gets us out of our little bubble. How long has he been calling her?


JUNGKOOK: I was asking if you wanted to come dancing.

JENNIE: Oh, sorry. No, thanks. I'm a bit tired.

She looks at me.

LISA: Yes, we've danced enough.

Jungkook and Irene nod and head for the dance floor. When we're alone Jennie sits next to me on the couch. Her presence makes me nervous, I'm going to explode.

JENNIE: Stop staring at me like that.

LISA: Like what?

JENNIE: You know...

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