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Lisa POV

The week at the office sucked. I spent every day with terrible anxiety. The second week was more of the same because Jennie didn't show up either, but at least I had a lot of work to do preparing the Magnum campaign and I was able to distract myself a bit during the day. The nights were something else... As soon as I got into bed and turned off the light, I started to think about everything that had happened between us, everything I had done, what I would like to say to her... I have imagined hundreds of conversations in my head in which everything goes well, and thousands in which everything goes wrong. I hardly sleep and have hardly any appetite.

Jisoo is worried about me, I can tell. She spends all day trying to distract me and make me laugh, but I can barely reciprocate. We spend hours talking about it, she's given me all the advice she can think of and there's not much left to say, so now all the obsession is in my head because I don't want to spend the day moaning to her and have her repeat the same things to me hundreds of times. I hate to worry her but I understand that I can't help it.

Rosé has also been giving me advice. The first few days she looked at me with distrust and disappointment, but I guess in the end, somehow, she ended up feeling sorry for me. On the one hand I'd rather be hated than pitied, but in this case I can't complain because, after all, right now she's the only person who can help me with Jennie. Not that she's much help to me. She doesn't know when she's coming back from her holiday, she doesn't know where she is, they've only had a couple of chats and they don't seem to have talked about me at all. Rosé thinks Jennie needs this time to herself, to be sort of lost in her inner world, or whatever, and when she decides it's time she'll come back and talk to me. Whatever she has to say to me.

I won't deny that it bothers me that she's not thinking about me, because that's what it looks like, and that more than one and two nights I've spent hours thinking that maybe she's met someone and that's why she doesn't mind going back or doesn't mind talking about it with her friend. That's quite likely. Jennie is a very pretty girl, and once you get to know her a bit and she takes off that first shell of a serious, workaholic woman she's... fucking amazing. I'm sure if she's on holiday at, I don't know, the beach, someone has noticed that and approached her. Maybe the first day she was pissed off and thinking about me but the second day she thought there was no point in being overwhelmed on her holiday in the Caribbean, so she decided to let loose, have some fun, go out, drink....

'I want to throw up.'

Luckily, Jisoo comes into my room and snaps me out of my thoughts. She brings a new ice cream from the shop next door and wants me to try it but I don't feel like it. In the end she forced me. Either I would eat it or rub it in my face. I think the first option was the right choice. She told me that they were all going out to party tonight and that I should go with them, but today she didn't manage to convince me. She tried for a long time but I don't feel up to it. In the end she told the girls that she wasn't going either and stayed with me watching Netflix, but she made me promise that next week we would go out, even if it was just for a little while. I was fine with that. We ordered dinner, cuddled our cats and spent the night on the couch. I thought less about Jennie, I won't deny it.

The third week Jennie didn't come to work either.

I won't lie if I say that it crossed my mind that she had met the love of her life on her perfect holiday and decided to leave everything, the family business and her life in Korea, to escape with him. But I try not to let that thought eat me up too much because I have a lot of work to do with the Magnum issue, Jungkook sends me 300 emails a day and it's starting to overwhelm me.

At the weekend I went out for a while with the girls. Sana and Nayeon were quieter than usual and I appreciated that. We danced and drank a bit but I didn't manage to have a good time because everything reminded me of Jennie and I was stressed out. Still, I wanted to make an effort because I haven't been out for three weeks and haven't done anything but work and whine at home and I need Jisoo to stop looking at me like I'm a helpless puppy.

The fourth week... Jennie didn't come to work either. A month's holiday. A whole month, with each and every one of its days in a row, one by one, without seeing or hearing from her. Rosé says she hasn't spoken to her in two weeks and everyone around me acts like it's nothing. The office remains the same, we all arrive on time, do our day's work and go home. No one seems to care that Jennie is gone, am I the only one who misses her?

On Friday Jisoo came to pick me up. She's done it a few times these weeks and I thank her for it. It's nice not to come home alone.

JISOO: Are you hungry?

LISA: Not really.

JISOO: We're meeting at Nayeon's house, her grandmother is at a friend's house and she has chicken.

I laugh a little.

LISA: I see...

JISOO: Shall we go?

LISA: I'm a bit tired, I've been here for almost 12 hours.

I point to the Kim Company building, with its huge K on top reminding me who it belongs to, and sigh.

JISOO: So you can unwind a bit.

LISA: Okay.

When we arrived at Nayeon Jisoo smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I was a bit surprised. I adore her and she adores me, but we've never been much for physical contact. We do hug or cuddle from time to time, but she has never held my hand before. I look at her strangely.

JISOO: You have to be calm, okay?

LISA: O...K...

I look at her like she's crazy and laugh.

But as soon as we walked into Nayeon's house, I understood. There, sitting on the couch, was Jennie.

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