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Lisa POV

Tonight it's Jisoo's date with Jennie, the girl from Tinder. She has tried on more than 20 outfits and she keeps flitting around the apartment asking me how she looks in each of them. I've told her 20 times that she looks good, but she doesn't care. I don't know why the hell she keeps asking me.

I've just sent out more than 50 curriculums, enclosing the recommendation letter I got from JYP, the company where I was an apprentice.

JISOO: What do you think about this outfit? Do I look good? Would you look at me and fuck me against a wall?

LISA: Jisoo, it's outfit number 60, you look GOOD. Leave me alone, I'm sending out CVs.

JISOO: OK, you didn't even turn around with this one, the green one impressed you more.

LISA: And I am not turning around anymore, wear whatever you want, really, it all looks good on you.

JISOO: But I don't want to look good, I want to look perfect. Look at me.

I could feel her eyes staring at my neck.

LISA: If I don't find a job, you're going to be eating noodles for the rest of your life. Do you really want that?

JISOO: Will you take me to fancy restaurants once you get a job?

LISA: I swear. But for that I have to keep going and you have to leave me alone, okay?

She skipped away.

Jennie POV

I've arrived early at the cafeteria where I'm meeting Jisoo. I'm quite nervous, it's been a long time since someone has made such an impression on me and I'm not denying that I'm excited and hoping that everything goes well. I wore a skirt and jacket outfit that suits me and I tried to look natural. It was 5 minutes past the time we were supposed to meet and I was starting to get impatient, would she stand me up?

'Too good to be true'.

'Please, Jennie, don't be dramatic, it's only five minutes.'

After 10 minutes a black-haired girl came into the cafeteria. She was beautiful, she was smiling and approached my table. I figured she was going to sit at the table behind me, but there wasn't one.

JISOO: Hi, I'm Jisoo. -She sat down in front of me.

'What the fuck?'

JENNIE: Excuse me?

The girl grinned at me from ear to ear.

JISOO: I'm Jisoo. You might wonder why I'm this brunette and not the girl in the pictures.

She laughs. I'm not able to say a word.

JISOO: The thing is, I'm a famous streamer, you know? I mean, it's not like I get stalked in the street or asked for autographs. Well, sometimes I do get asked for them. But, obviously, I can't use my photos because my fans might recognize me and it'd be weird.

'What the hell?'

JISOO: And well, my friend Lisa allows me to use her photos to be undercover, but I'm always the one who says the charming words, hehe.

She giggles.

'Charming words, uh?'

JISOO: Well, I don't know, say something.

JENNIE: I just... hate lies.

Jisoo's smile froze awkwardly.

JISOO: Yeah, well, it's nothing, I mean, it was just a few days and now you can see me.

I snorted.

JENNIE: You're the third fucking freak I've met on this app. You're the third fucking freak lying to me and making me waste my time. And I really value my time. Don't you?

JISOO: Yeah, sure, I do.

In that moment all the cheating and awful dates I've had to go through because of people who are not capable of being honest, or normal, came to my mind. And I needed to let out all the anger I had been accumulating for the last two months because I don't understand why people can't be sincere

JENNIE: I just don't get it, if you value your time that much, what are you doing cheating people on the Internet?


JENNIE: Streamer, what the hell is that? I've heard a lot of excuses, but this one really takes the cake.

JISOO: It's not an ex...

I interrupted her.

JENNIE: What's the matter, using your pictures, you can' t get girls to talk to you and you have to post your hottie friend's pictures?

JISOO: It's not that, it's really...

JENNIE: Anyway, I'm leaving.

I stood up:

JENNIE: You're pathetic.

I turned around and left.

Lisa POV

I was just finishing sending out the curriculums when I heard the front door and Jisoo coming in whimpering.

It seems like the date was a success'.

'I went to check on her.

LISA: Jichu...

She was crying on the couch.

LISA: What happened?

I sat by her side and hugged her.

JISOO: It was horrible. She said such mean things to me because I wasn't the one in the pictures.

LISA: I told you it wasn't a good idea...

JISO: But it always works.

LISA: Until it doesn't.

JISOO: She was an asshole, -she whined. She was super arrogant. She called me a fucking freak.

'Fucking freak, please don't laugh'.

LISA: But Jichu, you know you're not a fucking freak," I caressed her head.

JISOO: She said I was pathetic, that girls don't want to talk with me and that's why I have to use your pictures, and she made a comment like looking down on me for being a streamer and that her time was worth so much more.

'Excuse me, what?'

LISA: That you need to use my pictures? But who does she think she is, Margot Robbie?

JISOO: I don't know, I'm not as pretty as you...

LISA: Hey, no. Don't be silly. You're gorgeous, you're beautiful, your face is the ideal of beauty, are you stupid?

JISOO: I don't know, she made me feel so bad...

'I'm going to kill her.'

LISA: Listen, don't mind that bitch, okay? You're gorgeous, much prettier than her. And if there's one pathetic person here, that's her. This isn't going to end like this.

She looked at me with teary eyes.

JISOO: Why do you say that?

LISA: Just leave it to me, I'll think of something.

I hugged her and let her get it off her chest.

I can understand her being upset about the photos. Okay, I get it, I'd be annoyed too. But she can't just blurt all that stuff out to someone else just because she's pissed off. I don't know who she thinks she is to say these things to Jisoo but I'm not going to let it go.


The next day I decided to create a profile on Tinder to find that fucking Jennie and get revenge for what she had done to Jisoo. Nobody messes with my friends. Does she like my pictures? Well, here's a selection of my best ones.

Create profile.

Tinder - Jenlisa (English version)Where stories live. Discover now