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Lisa POV

When we arrived Jennie was at the door talking to Jungkook. She looked beautiful tonight, wearing a dress she had bought that afternoon that really suited her. It was black, sheer and very short. Too short for my mental stability. When she saw me she smiled and it took my breath away a little. I hate that this is happening to me, it's getting more and more every day, I have less and less control over it.

JENNIE: Hi. How was dinner?

LISA: Well, we had a great pizza for dinner.

Jennie looked at me enviously.

JENNIE: Oh, we went to a restaurant.

JUNGKOOK: If you preferred pizza we could have gone.

They laughed.

JENNIE: No, it was fine.

We made the official introductions, Jennie spoke to Irene more coldly than usual, I imagine she is embarrassed after how stupid she was on the plane. We entered the club and Jungkook took us to the VIP area where we sat at a table with sofas. I love bars with sofas, they are always my favourite. I sound like Jisoo.

Jennie sat with Jungkook across from me, I was with Irene. I'm starting to realise what a bad idea this was because if the two of them are into each other, I don't think I can take another night like Do Yeon's, with Jennie making out in my face with Jungkook.

Irene leans close to my ear and whispers.

IRENE: Are you okay?

LISA: Yeah, I just don't know if it was a good idea to come.

IRENE: It's okay.

She puts her hand on mine and squeezes it, smiling. It's comforting to have support, but deep down I can't wait to get out of here. Jennie looks at us seriously and her eyes glow like fire.

'What's wrong with her?'

JUNGKOOK: Well, I'm going to order something to drink. Do you have a preference or will you let me surprise you?

I look at him with more disgust on my face than I'd like. I really need to be nice to him, he's hiring us for the most important project of my career, but I just can't.

IRENE: Surprise us.

JENNIE: I trust you.

Jungkook went to the bar and the three of us were left alone.

JENNIE: How was your dinner? You'd have a lot to talk about.

IRENE: Yes, actually yes. It was weird, it didn't feel like we hadn't seen each other for years at all.

Jennie smiles and pushes her hair back. She looks at me intensely, her eyes sparkling.

LISA: Have you started drinking yet?

JENNIE: A little, with dinner.

'Great, they're drunk. That's why her eyes are sparkling so much.'

LISA: Nice.

JENNIE: Have you been dating for a long time?

IRENE: About a year or so. But well, before we were together we were very close friends.

JENNIE: How nice.

Jennie makes her annoyed face. She rolls her eyes and pushes her hair back again. She hasn't stopped with her hair since we sat down. What's wrong with her? If she didn't want me to come, she shouldn't have invited me. I couldn't wait to see her, but now I was drowning in my thoughts. Thoughts that were images of Jennie kissing Jungkook, Do Yeon... kissing everyone but me. All these images surround me and suffocate me. I want to get out of here. Or get drunk. Or both.

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