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Lisa POV

I've been ignoring Sandra as best I can for a week now and I think she's starting to notice. Every day she shows up at my desk and I have to hide, pretend I'm on the phone, run out for coffee... I'm running out of excuses and at some point I'm going to have to say something to her. Like: Hey, Miss Kim doesn't want me to talk to you because apparently I'm unprofessional.

'Telling her that doesn't make sense, I want to run away from her, not to make her think my boss believes I'm flirting with her.'

Alternatively, she might understand that I have no interest in talking to her and withdraw, but I don't think that's the case, every day she comes back and comes back. I don't want Jennie to question my professionalism or my commitment to the project again. Jisoo is very excited and she really liked the drinks. She's looking forward to putting them on the stream soon. And not just because of Jisoo, I have to do things right, I like my job. I just hate my boss.

'No, I don't hate her, she hates me, I feel indifference.'

That's it. Indifference. Jennie is indifferent to me. I don't care, I just have to smile and look at her with a good face, maybe respond with some sarcasm (because I know that's what bothers her the most) and everything she says to me completely slips my mind. I laughed to myself.

I glanced into Jennie's office to find her absorbed in her mobile screen and smiling. She's been like that all week.

'Wow, the super-professional boss.'

In the distance I saw Sandra approaching my desk. I tensed, Jennie hadn't seen her arrive yet and I had to get away now. I scrambled to my feet and went to the bathroom trying not to let Sandra see me. The guy at the back table laughed seeing me running as if I had an urgency.

'Let him laugh if he wants to, it's a bit of an emergency.'

When I was safely inside, Sandra came through the door.

She asked me why I was avoiding her and I told her I wasn't, but I don't know if I sounded very credible. I explained that I was very nervous about the project and that I didn't have time for anything, but I promised her that we would talk another day.

Jennie POV

'Did I just see Lisa go into the bathroom with Sandra?'

I rolled my eyes. A week ago I told her very specifically that those behaviours were not appropriate or professional and to stop doing it and now they're hiding in the toilets to do God knows what.

'Seriously, what does she see in her?'

My phone vibrated, snapping me out of these thoughts. I don't care what Lisa sees in Sandra, and I don't care what she does in the toilets as long as she gets the project done, and so far she is. Actually, Lisa is a very good worker. And I have Do Yeon, who wants to meet me. Maybe on Saturday I'll invite her to dinner. I've been talking to her all week and she's nice, I find her interesting. She keeps flattering me and telling me she thinks I'm attractive. It's just what my self-esteem needed right now; a pretty girl saying nice things to me.

Lisa returns to her desk with a confused look on her face. I'm not going to say anything to her about Sandra, I'm not going to let her think I'm making a big deal out of it.

'I'll send her to make photocopies, that's what pisses her off.'

I smiled and gestured for her to come in.

LISA: Is there something you need, Miss Kim?

As always with that sarcastic tone that I hate so much.

JENNIE: I need you to make photocopies of these reports here.

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