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Lisa POV

I freeze and I think I've forgotten how to breathe. Jennie looks amazing. She's changed her hair, now wearing two dyed blonde locks, and she's smiling widely. Next to her is Taehyun, Jungkook's assistant, and Sana, Nayeon, Momo and Rosé are sitting on one of the other sofas. Nayeon gets up and runs over to me.

NAYEON: Lisa, if you wanted me to undress you, all you had to do was ask.

Her friends laugh.

LISA: What?

Nayeon takes off my coat.

NAYEON: I'm going to leave it in my room, then you come and get it.

She winks at me like she's trying to look sexy, but we always leave our coats there on her bed. Jennie hasn't looked at me once since I arrived. I walk over to the couch and sit next to her, basically the only seat left after Jisoo sat next to Rosé leaving one couch with five people vs. another with only two.


TAEH: Hi, Lisa.

He smiles at me. Jennie looks at me for a second, just a second.

JENNIE: Hello.

Then she turns back to Taeh, who she's talking to as if this conversation is the most interesting thing in the world. My heart is about to burst out of my mouth. Nayeon comes back and sits with Sana and Momo, they're all talking to each other and no one's looking at me. I feel uncomfortable.

LISA: Jennie, I'd like to talk to you.

I whisper it to her, only she has heard me because all our friends are talking about their stuff, maybe Taeh can hear me. I don't know why he's here with her, I don't like it. Jennie stops talking to him for a moment and looks at me, this time she holds my gaze.

JENNIE: Do you need to tell me anything about the Magnum project?


JENNIE: Then we have nothing to talk about.

Jennie turns back to Taeh. That's not how I want things to be, I really need to talk to her, I've been waiting for a month.

LISA: I can't stop thinking about you.

Jennie winces and looks back at me.

JENNIE: I'd rather you didn't.

She looks away again. Fuck. You don't say?

LISA: Me too...

Jennie swallows and looks back at me. She sighs in annoyance.

JENNIE: All right.

She turns to our friends who are playing one of their perverted games, pouring cream down each other's necks and taking it off each other with their mouths.


JENNIE: Let's keep an eye on the chicken, I wouldn't want it to burn.

S/N/M: OK.

my lungs, I feel dizzy. She's wearing another perfume now, I like this one too. When we get there she leans against the kitchen counter and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

JENNIE: Tell me.

I've been preparing for this moment for a month and I'm drawing a blank. Great. Jennie looks at me expressionless, I don't know what she's thinking and it overwhelms me. I swallow.

LISA: I'm sorry.

JENNIE: Which part?

LISA: All of them. I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm sorry you think I'm laughing at you, and I'm sorry I did it all wrong from the beginning.

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