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The rest of the day was great. We visited hundreds of shops and the hours flew by, I didn't even realise we had been shopping all day. Lisa is a bad influence and I cannot control myself. I think she feels the same way I do. We shouldn't go shopping together, we ended up with so much stuff that we could fill two more suitcases. So in the end we bought those suitcases too. At the time it seemed like a great idea.

Walking down Fifth Avenue with her was incredible, we went through all the shops and streets that we had seen in the cinema all our lives, it was like being in a film. We bought dozens of things that we didn't need but we thought they were cute and the reaction of the other one made us say yes. Lisa even bought costumes for all her cats. I had such a good time today that I feel like I haven't had fun in ages.

When we arrived at the hotel to get ready for dinner, I told her to come to my room, I wanted to show her the Magnum single. Her surprised face made me nervous.

JENNIE: Jungkook sent me the new Magnum single, he wanted us to listen it, I know you're excited about it.

Her eyes lit up so brightly that I giggled.

LISA: You got the single, when did he send it? Let's listen it!

We went up to my room and sat on the sofa. I left her one of my headphones and we listened to it together.

They sound really good.

LISA: It's great. Wow, Jennie I wanna cry, it's great.

She's so excited.

JENNIE: Tomorrow you see them live. And starting next month you're going to be working with them.

LISA: I think this is one of the best days of my life.

She smiled at me and I blushed a little.

JENNIE: If you want, I can send you the song so you can have it on your phone.

LISA: Yes, please.

I send it to her. I look at the clock and we're running out of time.

JENNIE: Well, we're going to be late, we have to get ready for tonight.

Lisa gets up and we head for the door.

LISA: I had a great time today.

JENNIE: Me too. But we can't go shopping together, you're such a bad influence.

We laugh. It's true it's been great but a disaster. As she's about to walk out the door she looks at me again.

LISA: What I'm really looking forward to tonight isn't dinner, it's going out for drinks with you later.

I froze, I didn't expect her to say that. Does she really feel more like going for a drink with me than having dinner with her ex? Why would she say that? What's the point? If she doesn't wanna go to dinner with her, she shouldn't go, she could come with me. I would love to be able to forbid her. It bothers me to be so selfish, I don't like it. But what bothers me the most, what I hate the most, what I can't stand, is that I know that deep down I'm a little jealous that she's going to dinner with her and not with me.

JENNIE: Me too.

She smiles at me and goes to her room.

I gotta breathe, I gotta focus. I'm Jennie Kim, I'm the heiress of Kim Company. I'm closing the most important contract in the history of my company, I can't lose my head over my assistant today, here, just because he's going to dinner with her ex-girlfriend, it's not rational. It's not something I do. Besides, after dinner we're supposed to meet and she said she's more in the mood to have drinks with me than dinner with her. What does that mean? A week ago I could hardly stand her.

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