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Lisa POV

My wardrobe is very small, it was true that there was barely space for two people. There is no light at all. We try to position ourselves without touching each other too much, but in the end the rubbing is inevitable and we end up pressed up against each other. As hard as I try to position myself at the edge of the wardrobe, as far against the wall as possible, I feel Jennie's breathing a few inches from my mouth and my heart is pounding so hard I can hear it in my head.

LISA: In ten minutes we'll be able to say we've literally come out of the closet.

Jennie giggles.

JENNIE: It's super small.

LISA: I know, I've told them.

JENNIE: I've gotta move a bit, there's something sticking me in the back.

LISA: Okay.

Jennie turns a little and rubs her breast against mine. I've got a shiver and I think she's noticed.

JENNIE: I'm sorry.

LISA: It's okay.

'I'm getting dizzy.'

JENNIE: There, I think it was a hanger.

LISA: Okay.

We are back in the same position we were in at the beginning. The silence is thick between us, I want to say something to break this weird, heavy and uncomfortable air in the closet but I can't think of anything. I can't see her but I feel her breathing faster than usual and I'm sure she feels mine too.

'She's as nervous as I am.'

If I put my head forward just two inches I could kiss her and it's burning me inside, I even notice my legs losing some strength.

Jennie breaks the silence between us.

JENNIE: You went shopping today.

LISA: Yes.

JENNIE: Me too.

LISA: But Rosé is right, it was better to shop there.

JENNIE: I know, I hadn't thought about it.

LISA: Nor me.

JENNIE: We can go shopping there, if you want.

LISA: Sure.

Silence again. This is so awkward. I'm locked in the world's smallest wardrobe with Jennie and I don't know what to talk about to pass time, I don't even know how long it's been, but it's going on forever.

'Forever but I'd be here for an hour if she wanted too.'

I don't even know if talking is worse because every time she says something I feel her breath on my mouth and I wanna kiss her. I feel the heat of her body against mine and it's like I'm on flames right now. I'm sure she's noticed, although I don't really know if it's me or her that's burning, because every touch of her skin feels as warm as mine. We're both burning and I'm going out of my mind.

'I want to caress her. I want to feel her. I want to feel all of her.'

My breathing gets heavier and heavier and so does hers. Silence is one more between us, it has presence, it's here in the two inches that separate us being just another person in this closet. And her smell... I feel it filling my lungs.

LISA: I like your smell.

Jennie stops breathing for a few seconds.

'Do I take her breath away too?'

Tinder - Jenlisa (English version)Where stories live. Discover now