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Jisoo POV

Everyone went dancing except Rosé and I, because we had to protect our places on the sofa so that no one could take them away from us. I can't be here without my sofa, it's comfortable, it's great.

JISOO: Isn't it the most comfortable sofa in the world? Why would anyone want to get up from here and dance?

Rosé giggled.

ROSÉ: Don't think you'll get away with it tonight, after that you can take me for a dance.

JISOO: Well, I can make an effort for you.

I smiled and she looked at me shyly. I love it when she looks at me like that. Our friends are on the dance floor, Lisa was on fire, she was dancing like she was performing at the VMA's and people were looking at her. I felt a little cringe, I'm not going to deny it.

ROSÉ: What's wrong with Lisa?

JISOO: She likes to dance. -I giggled.

ROSÉ: I mean with Jennie.

JISOO: What do you mean?

ROSÉ: You know, she's been talking to her on Tinder for weeks, she seems to like her, when she goes on the date she treats her like a freak and today she can't stop staring at her. That these, -she said pointing to Nayeon, Sana and Momo,-maybe they haven't noticed, but I have.

JISOO: Oh, that. I think, and this is my theory but I could be wrong, that Lisa likes Jennie a little bit. But I also think, and this is also my theory and I may also be wrong, that Lisa doesn't know it yet.

ROSÉ: That she likes her and doesn't know it?

JISOO: That's what I said.

'I said that?'

ROSÉ: And why did she treat her like that when they met? If she liked her, she could have just met her, right? Jennie was very attracted to her.

JISOO: But that day was different, she didn't like her there, she just wanted revenge because she's a gentlewoman.

Rosé looks at me without understanding anything.

JISOO: I thought you knew. Lisa met Jennie to get revenge because she made me cry. I already scolded her for that back in the day, but Lisa is very protective of the people she loves and she's also very impulsive, she never thinks too much about the things she does.

Rosé looked at me sweetly.

ROSÉ: Aw, Jichu, did you really cry?

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

JISOO: Well, in my defense, I'd say that it was that time of the month and Jennie was pretty blunt. It was silly actually, but I was a bit affected by what she said to me that day.

Rosé comes up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, longer than I expected, and also closer to my lips than it should be. A tingle runs up from my lower abdomen to my chest. I grin like an idiot. I don't want her to pull away from me. I'd really like to kiss her, but I'm afraid. Whenever I get involved with a girl I end up losing interest in a few days and I'd hate myself if that happened with Rosé, I need this to last as long as possible. I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt her.

ROSÉ: Why didn't she try to explain it to Jennie?

JISOO: I don't know, I thought you both knew.

ROSÉ: No, she thinks that Lisa was very disappointed when she saw her.

JISOO: I don't know about that. She just never tells me anything. I mean, I'm her best friend and she knows I'll always be there, but it's hard for her to talk about things, she always keeps it to herself. I think in fact, she doesn't even ask herself the right questions.

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