17. invitations & deals

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Brandi was laying down on Drew's carpeted floor with Lilly on top of her stomach as she stroked her soft fur.

Whenever Brandi got bored or lonely in her flat, she would simply walk over to Drew's house and hang out with him, because he was her best friend and a really fun person to be with. Also, she loves Lilly and would gladly take her from Drew, if given the chance.

"I've got sodas!" Drew announced as he entered the room and Lilly got off of Brandi to pounce at him.

Drew handed Brandi her soda, before he sat himself down right beside her and she cuddled into his side. Drew was wearing his fluffy gray sweater that Brandi absolutely loved, because it was so warm, and cuddly, and he looked rather attractive in it as well.

"You're adorable," Brandi said, quietly, as she looked up at Drew, who smiled. "I know I tell you that at least a hundred times a day, but you really are adorable."

"I know. You are too," Drew replied, resting his chin on top of Brandi's head.

He brought the can of soda to his lips and took a small sip, instantly feeling it bubble and fizz inside his mouth, before he swallowed it. The soda was warm and it tasted funny, so Drew set the can down on a nearby table, reminding himself to put it in the fridge later.

Brandi looked up to check the digital clock on Drew's night stand and furrowed her eyebrows. "Isn't it time for Lilly's walk?"

"Oh yeah," Drew replied. "Kacey!"

"What!?" she yelled from across the hall.

"It's your turn to walk Lilly!"

"No it's not. It's your turn," Kacey protested.

"How many times have you walked her so far this week?" Drew questioned, testing her.

It was quiet for a while. Kacey didn't want to admit the truth. "I haven't walked her at all this week."

"Which means, I've been walking her all week and now it's your turn."


Kacey walked into Drew's room to find them both on the floor, cuddled up to each other. They just looked so cute together that it was hard for her not to squeal at the sight of them like this.

"I'm surprised you won this argument," Kacey said.

"I am too," Drew replied as he wrapped his arms around Brandi's torso. "You can go now."

"You guys really bring out the best in each other," she said, then practically skipped out of the room with Lilly chasing after her, leaving Drew and Brandi alone in his room to think about what she had just said.

Complete silence followed right after they heard the front door slam, meaning Kacey was totally out of the house and it was just the two of them. Brandi nor Drew knew what to say, but neither of them wanted to bring up what Kacey said. They knew it was true. They did bring out the best in each other. They just didn't want to confirm it. Especially when they were right beside each other, because one thing could lead to another and things would just get messed up again.

"Nate's friend from high school is throwing this party tomorrow night and Nate wants me to go too," Brandi said, finally breaking the unbearable silence. "I was wondering if you wanted to come with us."

"It depends," Drew replied. "What kind of party is it?"

"Think, college party."

Drew and Nate went to the same high school, meaning, they practically had the same group of friends and that Drew was invited to the same party a few weeks ago, but he rejected the invitation on the spot. Although, now that he knew Brandi was probably going to go, he was starting to rethink his decision. It wouldn't hurt to tag along, right?

"I don't know. It doesn't really sound like my kind of thing."

"Please, Drew. Nate usually goes all out at parties and I have trouble taking care of him and making sure he doesn't do anything stupid," Brandi pleaded. "I could really use your help."

Drew knew too much about Nate's partying habits and felt kind of sorry for Brandi, because she had to put up with him at every party they attended together. Nate only drank during parties, and during parties, he would drink a shitload of alcohol. He would usually drink until he passed out or threw up, whichever came first. Taking care of him tomorrow night would be a total nightmare and he would be a complete pain in the ass, but Drew would be able to hang out with Brandi and that was definitely the upside to this.

"Alright, fine," Drew said, giving in. "But on one condition."

"What is it."

"Never poke my nose ever again, and kiss me."

"That's two conditions, Dirksen," Brandi replied, shaking her head. "And it's a no to both of them."

"Well, you better pick one, Jones, or I'm not going."

Brandi thought for a while, trying to make the right decision. Her options were pretty stupid, but they were both fun to do, and in the end, one had a bigger loss than the other.

Without a single word, Brandi brought her hand up and extended her index finger, before pressing it down on Drew's nose as he jerked away immediately. Poking his nose was just too fun to give up.

"I see you've chosen the second option," Drew said, smirking, as he started leaning in and she did the same.

"Your nose is just too fun to poke, I'm sorry."

"You know, kissing me has some consequences."

"Well, is it too late to change my mind?" Brandi questioned and Drew smiled.

"Far too late."

Brandi could already feel Drew's hot breath hitting her lips as they got even closer. Then, as their lips brushed, she grabbed both sides of his face, turning his cheek and pressing a lingering kiss to it, which left Drew feeling lost and confused.

"What the hell was that?!" Drew questioned as Brandi pulled away.

"You wanted a kiss, so I gave you one."

"Yeah, but–"

"It's called a loophole, Drew," Brandi said, rolling her eyes. "In case you've forgotten, I still have a boyfriend."

"Brandi," Drew whined.

"You're coming with us to the party whether you like it or not," Brandi said, poking his nose, which only made him more upset.

Drew's insides felt like they were twisted up in knots. He didn't know what to feel and he was still trying to process what had just happened.

"I hate you," Drew finally said, after a few moments of gathering up his thoughts and letting them escape his mouth in the form of those three words.

"No, you love me."


a/n: sorry this sucked and it's short :( it would've been better and longer if i didn't accidentally delete the first draft i made because that one was way more interesting and entertaining than this. i hate myself so much right now. i actually cried.

anyways, there's gonna be loads of drama in the next chapter so get some oxygen ready idk because im writing it right now and i'm hyperventilating at each paragraph lmao.

i love you all to death and dont forget to smile because all of you are probs way prettier than i'll ever be okay bye.

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