26. boyfriends & girlfriends

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Drew had it all planned out (technically, it was Kacey's plan, but whatever) and he was so excited for tonight. He could barely sit still and it was hard for Brandi to ignore it. Drew was acting like a five year old hyped up on chocolate bars.

"Drew, are you alright?" Brandi asked, pulling him down on the couch, in an attempt to get him to calm down.

"I'm more than alright!" Drew replied as he tried to stop squirming. "I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"

"Good to know."

Drew scooted even closer to Brandi and buried his head in her chest. She was really cuddly. He could've stayed in that position forever, but he couldn't because he had to take her out on a date later tonight.

"Are you excited for our date?" Drew questioned, poking Brandi's sides, making her jerk away from him and eventually his head landed back on the couch and he groaned.

"Yes, Drew. I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, just like you," Brandi replied, poking his nose. She hadn't done that in a while. It felt good.

"You don't seem like it."

"But I am."

"Can I kiss you?"

Brandi rolled her eyes, before gave Drew's lips a little peck and he looked sort of surprised by her actions.


"What?" Brandi asked, looking confused.

"I can't believe that actually worked."

"You're adorable."

They lay there for a while, and, when there was silence, Drew's thoughts came out from the darkest parts of his mind; the thoughts that he never wanted to think about. What if Brandi rejected him? He would never have the courage to ask her out again, but he liked her so much that it hurt in every possible way.

Drew was the only one of his friends who went to prom without a date and it really lowered his self-esteem, because while his friends were flirting with their dates and dancing with them, he was standing by the snack table, calculating how many sweets it would take for him to have the worst sugar crash of all time. He'd rather stay in the nurse's office feeling like death than stay out there, being lonely and pathetic.

"How many times did it take for Nate to get it right?" Drew asked, swallowing hard, and Brandi looked at him in wonder.

"You can't still be worrying about being like Nate, can you?" she scoffed. "I like you, Drew. Nate and I are in the past okay? Stop trying to be like him, because you can't do that. Be you, because I like you."

"But I'm pathetic and Nate just seems to do everything right."

"Cheating on me wasn't right.

"Yeah, but—"

"Shut up, Drew."


Then, Brandi's expression changed and a sly smile made it's way onto her face. "So, are you going to take me out on that date or what?"


"What are you going to do with that?" Brandi questioned as she pointed at the purple handkerchief Drew was holding in his hand.

"I'm going to wrap it around your head, so that you can't see where I'm taking you."

Chance Encounter ➳ Drew DirksenWhere stories live. Discover now