27. dirksens and dinners

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When Brandi woke up the following day, she was instantly confused as to why she was in a forest. Then, suddenly, everything that had happened last night came rushing back into her brain and a wide smile formed on her face as she looked down at her sleeping boyfriend, cuddled up in their make-shift bed.

"You're adorable," she whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek, before she hopped off of the truck and her bare feet landed on the ground, making a few twigs snap under her weight.

"Brandi?" Drew said, softly, and, by hearing her name, she whipped her head around to see him with his eyes still closed, feeling around him, trying to find her. "Where'd you go?"

He sounded so sad and Brandi suddenly felt guilty for leaving his side, so she hopped back onto the back of the truck and took hold of his hand. "I'm right here Drew. It's okay."

Drew opened his eyes to see his beautiful girlfriend, sitting cross-legged, with a big smile on her face. It was a great thing to wake up to and he couldn't help but get lost in her eyes, which were a brilliant shade of blue. It was an interesting contrast between the grey sky overhead. It was almost like her eyes sucked up all of the color in the sky, which, now that he thought about it, sounded really weird, but that's okay.

"Are you done drooling?" Brandi asked, laughing, as she lifted part of the blanket up to wipe the corner of Drew's mouth. "Thanks for making me feel pretty."

"You are pretty."

Brandi pressed a gentle kiss to his lips then pulled away, before it could get too heated. "Maybe we should head home."

"But I like it here. We're alone."

"We're always alone, Drew."

"I know, but it feels different here," Drew protested, finally gathering the strength to sit up so he could get a better look at Brandi's expression. "Can't you feel it."

"I can feel a billion mosquitoes on my legs," Brandi replied. "But I do feel what you're talking about. I just really want to go back to civilization, okay?"


Drew and Brandi fixed their stuff and put out the campfire that had been burning all night, before getting into the car and driving back to the city, where everyone was probably still getting out of bed, considering that it was six in the morning.

They stopped for coffee on their way back home, just to wake themselves up a little more. 

"My place or yours?" Drew questioned, in between sips from his cappuccino.

"I miss your place. Let's go there."



"Lilly!" Brandi squealed as she dropped down on her knees to play with Drew's dog that she absolutely loved to pieces. "I've missed you."

"You're cute," Drew remarked, letting himself fall onto the couch, before snapping a picture of Brandi playing with Lilly.

"I'd say the same to you, Dirksen."

Brandi got up from the floor, with Lilly following behind her, as she sat down on Drew's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Meanwhile, Lilly lay down on the other end of the couch with her tail up in the air.

"Drew?" They heard Drew's mom, Tina, say. It sounded like she was in the kitchen like she usually was, then she emerged from behind a wall and was absolutely thrilled to see that her son was home for once. "Oh, it's so nice to see you two again!"

"You too, Tina," Brandi replied, standing up and pressing her cheek against Tina's.

"Where have you guys been? I haven't seen you in ages."

"We just went on a little date last night. It's no big deal mom," Drew said as he also got up to greet his mother.

"Did you finally ask her?" Tina whispered in her son's ear and he smiled, before nodding his head. "This is wonderful!"

Suddenly, they heard two pairs of footsteps running down the stairs and before long Kacey and Madison had joined them in the living room. It was sort of awkward to have Nate's little sister and Nate's ex-girlfriend together under the same roof, since Nate and Drew's friendship practically ended that night at the party, but Drew tried not to let it get to him too much. He didn't really want to act like it was a big deal.

"Brandi!" Madison said as soon as she saw her.

"Madi!" Brandi replied, with an equal amount of enthusiasm, before they hugged each other. Then her expression became serious. "How's your brother? Is he okay?"

It made Drew slightly uncomfortable that Brandi was asking about Nate and how he was, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

"Still hungover, but you know him. Such a drama queen," Madison laughed. "I actually like you with Drew better. It seems— right."

There was a short moment of dead silence until Tina decided to take her chance and speak up.

"Now, since all of you are getting along so well, why don't we all have dinner together?"

"I'm sorry, but I've already got plans for tonight," Madison said, apologetically. "Next time though."

"That's alright. How about you Brandi?"

Brandi glanced over at Drew who was staring off into space as usual, before she wrapped an arm around his torso. "Dinner sounds great actually!"


Drew looked down at Brandi, because he was practically a tower compared to her, and he just smiled. They'd been doing a lot of smiling at each other lately, but they were just really happy, and when you're happy you smile.

"I can't wait."


"Why don't I help you with those?" Brandi offered, taking the plates that Tina was trying to balance in her hands.

"Thank you, dear. You're a great girl," Tina gushed. "You really bring out the best in him."

"Well, I guess my parents did something right, then."

Drew was already seated at the dining table, watching how Brandi just seemed to get along with everyone of every age. She was the most social person he'd ever met and she was liked by pretty much everyone. Her personality was as beautiful as her physical appearance. Damn, he was whipped.

"Drooling again, I see," Brandi taunted as she placed the plates on the table, in front of every seat, and Drew's hands immediately went up to his face to wipe away any saliva, but that just made Brandi laugh. "I'm joking Drew. You're so gullible."

"I like it better when you call me adorable," Drew said, pouting.

"You're adorably gullible."

"Drew, why don't you call your dad and your sister. Tell them dinner's ready," Tina yelled from her place in front of the oven. She was watching her apple pie bake and didn't feel like calling them herself.

"Okay mom!"

Before long, all five of them were settled down and seated on the dining table as they dug into the delicacies that Tina had prepared for that evening. Brandi just seemed to fit in perfectly. It was almost like she belonged. His parents liked her a lot. Kacey felt comfortable talking to her and vice versa. And Drew was undeniably falling in love. He already was in love, and he couldn't deny it, no matter how hard he tried.


a/n: i update so slowly now bc school and i have exams on wednesday and my hair is literally falling out from stress, but i love brew too much and i dont wanna leave you guys hanging and i'll shut up now sorry.


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