18. teasing & parties

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It was the day of the party and Brandi and Drew really didn't want to go, but Nate wouldn't let them stay in all day. He even forced Levi and Austin to go, because each guest was allowed to bring a plus one.

The doorbell began ringing non-stop and Brandi groaned as she opened the door to see her brother and his annoying roommate standing there in their ripped jeans and black vans. They were wearing shirts, of course, but Brandi didn't bother looking at their full attire.

"I didn't even want to go," Austin groaned, walking past Brandi and throwing himself on the couch. "Do you have any ice cream?"

"Freezer. Behind the strawberries," Brandi replied and he bolted for the kitchen.

She looked up at her brother who had the same unamused expression as his roommate and she frowned. Levi was always like this. He pretended to hate going out, but in reality, he enjoyed being around people and he always got excited for social events like this.

"Come on, Levi," Brandi whined as she playfully poked his stomach and he tried to fight back a smile. "I know you want to go."

"Lies," Levi said, crankily. He was such a brat at times.

"No. Sister senses."

"Well, my brother senses are telling me that I'll hate this," Levi stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "And that something will go horribly wrong."


Meanwhile, Drew watched from afar as Brandi and Levi continued to argue about things that didn't really concern him. He didn't understand how they were so peaceful. If this was him and Kacey, someone would probably end up with a black eye or a chipped tooth, sometimes a broken limb, but Drew didn't want to remind himself of that.

"Where's Nate anyway?" Austin asked, his mouth full of Brandi's ice cream.

This was typical of Nate. He would force everyone to go somewhere and he would be the one to arrive late.

"I don't know," Brandi replied, pulling on the hem of her blouse. "I'll go call him. Stay here and try not to break anything please."

The three boys nodded their heads as she went into her room to call her boyfriend.

Drew was just lounging on the couch, but for some reason, all eyes were on him, which he didn't understand, because he wasn't doing anything worth anyone's attention. He was just sitting there, breathing, and blinking, and swallowing some saliva every now and then, but that was completely normal, right?

Levi slid into the spot next to Drew and Austin followed his actions as he sat to his left. Brandi's couch was huge and could probably be able to contain, at least, eight people, but Levi and Austin decided to sit half an inch away with their shoulders touching. Drew was completely squished between them and he had no more room to breathe, making him feel extremely claustrophobic.

"Someone likes my little sister," Levi cooed in Drew's ear. "Someone likes her a lot."

"I bet you've already fallen in love with her," Austin teased, joining Levi.

To be honest, Drew liked being teased. He liked the attention he got whenever people would tease him. Especially when it came to a girl, but this just made him feel extremely uncomfortable and he couldn't tell why. Maybe it was because, the girl he liked had a boyfriend and was talking to him in the next room. Whatever it was, it made Drew squirm.

"What makes you say that?" he asked, nervously.

"Brother senses," Levi replied. "Too bad she's already dating Nate."

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