Return to your party (Mindfang's ending)

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You give sollux a face and grit your teeth before yiu realize that he isnt even really worth your time. You roll your eyes before closing the door calmly. You could really use a drink.

You walk back to your party, your lips raising in a smile as you sneak up behind mindfang. You wrap your arms around her exposed hips and she smirks, looking back at you. "Hey squirt" she says, her blue painted lips looking dangerous and sexy.

She turns to you, offering you a shot, you take it happily. Soon enough, the two of you are living it up, daring others to do rediculous things and taking body shots off of one another.

Eventually, the party dies down a little, and you sit at the table. Kankri is nagging you and you can hear the amused voice of cronus in the background. You giggle, and mindfang walks over, telling kankri that you are grown and can do what you want.

"Ill take care of her, ok?" She promises your neurotic bestie. "Now run off with your man ok?"

Kankri's face turns a bright red and his eyes bugged before cronus threw his arm around him. His blush only increased as he was walked away and toward the door.

Mindfang smiled, running long nails along your haw before she kissed you. Hard.

You smile against her lips, and you feel at home as she pulls you up by your shirt collar. You and her stumble, lip to lip into the bedroom. She is grabbing needily at your clothes and your hair. She flung you onto the bed... and that is the last thing you can remember until you woke up.

Sun was filtering through the blinds, and your lashes fluttered open. Her curly black hair laying out over the bed sheets. You felt a dreft across your back, and you realized you were naked. You snuggled closer to the warm body of the woman next to you. She tightens her arms around you, and you smile.

"You said something last night" she whispered in a tired voice. You turn around, hwr hands slipping to be around your waist. "What?" You ask.

She kisses your nose and says, with an almost nervous look, "you said you loved me"

You pause a moment, breathing in before kissing her soft lips, smudges of blue lipstick decorating both your bodies. "Did you say it back?"


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