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your hazy mind slowly becomes aware of the fact that it is morning. the soft light shafts through the blinds on your windows. you go to stretch only to find that you are pressed against someone else. your tired eyes open to find the adorably innocent face of sollux captor. your had lies on his bare chest, hair askew and all over the place. his arms were cradling you against him as your leg wrappd around his hip to keep him near. you were pressed between him and the couch with no hope of escape. still you were pretty sure you didn't want to. this was nice... his arms wrapped around your frame. it felt good. you smiled at his sleeping form and nuzzled him a bit, closing your eyes again.

not long afterward, he wakes up. his eyes pry themselves open to look at you. "morning" you say sleepily. he smiles. "good morning georgeous" he says, lisping softly. you roll your eyes, kissing his jaw sweetly.

he takes the oppertunity to kiss your collarbone with his thin lips. his wiry arms hold much more strength than they look like. you'll give him that. because after a while of kissing you along your neck and jaw, his lips connect with yours again. his thick lashes flutter down over his mismatched eyes as he sits up, dragging you into his lap. you are now straddling his hips as the two of you have a full on makeout session. your hands run softly through his disshevvled locks as his wander your hips. after a literal hour of said makeout session, you seperate from him. "I have to go run errands and then work..." you say, though you wish you could stay. "hmm I don't know if I'll let you" he mumbles into your shoulder. "I don't want those other guys looking at you"

you smile softly, rubbing your hands along the smooth skin of his back. "aww is someone jealous?" you question. he just nods with a pitiful "uh huh"

"I have to go sollux..." you finally say. he sighs, releasing you from his lap and letting you get dressed. "I'll be at the club soon. I'll see you there kay?" you ask. he smiles, nodding softly and kissing your cheek as the two of you leave.

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