sweet little bumble bee

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after some whining, complaining, bargaining, threatening, and pouting you get sollux to agree to take you to tuna. the two of you leave the bedroom and your legs are a bit wobbly. dualscar and a woman are sitting on the couch. you try to slip past him but you stumble into a coffee table, effectively blowing your cover. he turns, a big grin on his scarred face. the woman looks back as well, a caring smile gracing her sweet face. she loks a bit worried. she gets up, taking your hand and leading you to a chair as well as fetching you some water. "rosa,she ain't a toddler" dulascar says. she waves him off with a smile. "hush" she says. you smile, drinking your water before you set it down. "thank you miss" you say. she smiles, cutting her eyes toward your boss. "sadly I'm a mrs." she said sarcastically. dualscar fakes a hurt look before getting up and kissing her softly on the cheek. after that, you and sollux hit the road. its only a little while away and the walk is quiet. "I'm warning you ____ heth not the thame." you look over at him "I don't care. I miss him and he misses me"  sollux nods "yeah, I don't even underthtand how he rememberth you". the two of you aproach a pale yellow house with red shutters. your companion just waltzes right in. "dad! I'm here!" he calls. you follow him inside, looking around. pale yellow walls, white carpet. he waves you toward one door. as it opens, you see its bright yellow in there, black stripes running down the walls. in the center is mituna, you know that scraggly hair anywhere. "tuna, _____ ith here" sollux says. "very funny thollux!" the boy squeaks. "hey tuna" you say. "aaaaAAAAAAHHHHH" he screeches. running forward before tackle hugging you.

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