boys night

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you finish up your shift, avoiding the mix matched eyes of the youngest captor boy. you do this fairly well, keeping your eyes away from his table as you dance, drink, and talk the night away. finally, at the end of your shift, you go to the bar. you are greeted by kurloz who has a soft admiring smile on his face. "you look real up and pretty tonight sis" said gamzee, almost mirroring his brother's thoughts. you smile a bit, pushing your hair from your eyes. "well guys if you are free id like to invite you over for movies and food?" you said. your voice curving upward at the end in your unsure mindset. "hells yeah sis!" gamzee exclaimed,hopping over the bar and smilng widely at you. kurloz nodded as well, hiswild inky hair laying across his painted forhead in just the right way. he was so attractive it was a little frightening.

so you went home, the two attractive brothers at your sides. the boys were good humored, making you giggle almost the whole walk home. gamzee seemed distracted though, as if intentionally staying father away from you than his brother. said brother however was practically glued to you. his hand settled on your hip a while ago...and you let it stay there. why not? kurloz was after all, just a meningless flirt. the night progresses you find yourself clinging to the silent makara. lying on his chest as you watch dawn of the dead. giggling with him at the sex scenes. you find yourself asking the boys to stay the night. fixing them dinner and staying up into the early hours with the two. all three if you end up falling aleep in your bed, you pinned between them as gamzee's arms were wrapped around your shoulders. kurloz had his hands on your rear end, a faint smiile on his sleeping face

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