what a twist!

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You turn, staring at your old house phone before picking it up. "Hello?" You ask softly, a faint smile in your voice. An overly happy one responds. "Oh uhm, hello! Is Sollux there? I called and his dad said he could be reached here?" You raised a brow, looking over at Sollux and nodding to yourself. "Yeah he's here" you say softly, holding the phone out to the captor. "Thollux thpeaking" he said, his eyes widening when he heard the voice. "What the hell? Ff?" He asked, his grip tightening on his fork. You can hear bubbly speech over the phone, and you eye him nervously. "Ff no. What do I have to do to get that through your head?... no I'm not confuthed... ff do not bring her up ok? Thatth not an argument you want to have with me" he looks angry, and there is a long moment of silence before you hear a small mutter, followed by the sound of him hanging on an empty line. He clenched his jaw, slamming the phone down on the table. You bite your lip a bit before speaking. "Sooo... what the hell was that?" You ask, chewing an eggroll. "Nothing" he said. You didn't believe him, staring him down as you ate. He sighed. "It wath... my girlfriend"

You went blank, dropping your fork onto the table. "Your what?" You ask. You can feel you face turning red in anger. "You have a fucking girlfriend? You tell me you love me while you have a god Damn girlfriend?!?" Kankri reaches across the table, attempting to comfort you but you shoo him away. "Oh I thought you were pretending to be an asshole. I thought it was an act. God am I fucking stupid!!!" You spat at him, standing up and balling your fists up. "No, obviously ou are every bit the asshole you seemed aren't you? So what, were you gonna bang me and get a notch on your belt big boy? That it? Fuck you!" You slapped him then, clean across his face a nice sharp sound came ringing through the room as your hand made contact. His head snapped to the side, eyes looking far away before he snapped, standing up. "Let me explain ok?!?" He said, grabbing you by your shoulders. His grip was desperate, depraved even, and you glared at him.

"I'm waiting!"

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