chapter ii.

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┌──────── ∘°❉°∘ ────────┐"Pretty boy, you did this to me

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┌──────── ∘°❉°∘ ────────┐
"Pretty boy, you did this to me." 
- The Neighborhood, Pretty Boy
└──────── °∘❉∘° ────────┘

Athena really disliked her desk. She was positioned facing the window with her back to the rest of the room, leaving her tense and unsure of who and what was behind her. It left her stiff from attempting to be vigilant of what was behind her, her bones aching from sitting straight and ready for too long.

She couldn't help but let out a quiet screech as a hand slammed into her desk, lashing out with the piece of paper in her hands. Her wrist was caught before it could connect with the poor soul's face.

Blonde hair appeared in her vision.

"Didn't mean to scare you!" Yamada greeted with a large grin. Athena gave him a small glare, before meekly tugging her wrist out of his grip. She blinked at his appearance. He was in casual wear, his hair pulled back into a bun, though a few strands had escaped to frame his face. His tinted glasses had been replaced with a pair of regular ones, the frame painted a faint green.

"That wasn't very nice," Athena mumbled.

"Are you ready?" He asked, practically bouncing where he stood.

Athena blinked. "For what?"

Yamada pouted. "Our apology lunch. Don't tell me you forgot."

"My lunch break isn't for another hour." Athena shot back, reaching tentatively for her keyboard as she tried to return to her work.

Yamada snorted. "I'm your boss, Kiritani. I say when your break starts."

Resigned, Athena stood, slinging her purse over her shoulder and tucking her phone into it.

Yamada led her through a side door, talking animatedly as they walked, waving his hands with each phrase.

"I'm really sorry about postponing for so long, Kiritani." He gave her an apologetic look. Athena peered up at the man, stiff under the intense gaze of his green eyes. "How are you?"

"It's fine." Athena gritted, giving him a polite smile. "I'm fine, Yamada-san."

He nodded. "That's good to hear. I'm glad that the agency is treating you well." He led her to a small cafe. The door gave a slight chime as they entered and the barista looked up, smiling brightly as she recognized Yamada.

"Hizashi-kun! New hire?" The barista grinned.

Yamada flushed slightly, the barista chuckling as Athena shuffled in place awkwardly behind Yamada.

The barista led the pair to a table in the corner and after ordering, Yamada and Athena were left to their own conversations. Despite the lingering resentment, Athena felt relaxed around Yamada. She still eyed him carefully, disliking the way his green eyes roved over her frame, catching the way one of her hands remained in her lap, close to the hidden knife within her purse.

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