chapter iv.

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┌──────── ∘°❉°∘ ────────┐"There's another side that you don't know

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┌──────── ∘°❉°∘ ────────┐
"There's another side that you don't know." 
- Sickick, Mind Games
└──────── °∘❉∘° ────────┘

The next day, Athena found she had been moved from the analyst floor to Yamada's personal one, her office adjacent to his.

"So, what is it you need me to do?" Athena finally asked the hero, leaning against the entryway of his doorway, arms crossed defiantly.

Yamada paused, eyes flitting over her. "I had like a shit ton of paperwork for you."

"I finished that two hours ago, Yamada." Athena retorted. "I scheduled your meeting with Detective Sansa and went through all the patrol reports from the other heroes."

"Hizashi." He offered, grinning at her. "We'll be seeing a lot of each other now, might as well get that out of the way."

"That's unprofessional." Athena remarked, offhandedly. "Give me something to do."

Yamada rolled his eyes, before reaching to dig through his desk. From there, he pulled a thin black card.

"This," he waved it through the air. "Is a self-defense quirk permit."

Athena's eyes widened. "Why would I need that?"

"You're my assistant." Yamada commented. "High chance, you'll probably need it."

Athena held it reverently as she took it from Yamada. "I didn't even know these existed."

"They aren't advertised." Yamada responded. "If they were, everyone would have one. Besides, you need a pro-hero to vouch that you won't randomly become a vigilante."

Athena rolled her eyes. "That won't happen."

Yamada shrugged.

"Alright. Now!" He stretched. "You're first task, is to have lunch with me!"

Athena blanched. "What?"

"Just kidding." Yamada grinned. "You should take a lunch break, though. I'm heading over to Yuuei."

"I took my lunch break at my desk." Athena grumbled. "And it's Saturday."

Yamada sighed. "A teacher's job is never done." He grabbed his leather jacket, slinging it over his arms. "Walk with me."

Athena slipped into her office, gathering her laptop and as much paperwork as possible before shoving it into her bag and hurrying after Yamada.

"Where are we going?"


"But why am I coming?" Athena questioned.

"I want to know what your real quirk is." Yamada glanced down at her as they moved to the elevator. "We can test it there."

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