chapter xxix.

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┌──────── ∘°❉°∘ ────────┐"Think I need someone older

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┌──────── ∘°❉°∘ ────────┐
"Think I need someone older."
Isabel LaRosa, older
└──────── °∘❉∘° ────────┘

The amount of guards standing around Athena was starting to get a little ridiculous.

It was clear that Aku was not taking any chances in her slipping away- not that it mattered. As long as she kept them from slipping one of those quirk inhibitor collars on, she was free to move around the compound undeterred.

"I've missed your presence, Yoru."

The name rolled off of Aku's tongue like slime, sticky and murky with a disgusting blend of hate and desire.

"You're skill," he hummed, circling her like she was cattle to be herded. His fingers brushed against her jawline, catching on the small wisps of blue hair that had slipped free from her braids. "Your technique."

She slapped his hand away.

The group of guards snapped alive, power sizzling in the air like a canon, but Aku waved them away, unafraid of Athena's disrespect.

"No need to be feisty," He tutted, brushing the spot where she had touched him against the front of his suit, like she had accidentally spread mud across his palm.

It took everything in her bones to breathe evenly and shove down the rage that threatened to peek through. Even then, Aku's eyes were alight, like he knew she was on the brink of snapping at him like a caged animal.

Did he know she had backup? Did he know the true nature of her quirk?

"Get in the ring."

His voice cut through her thoughts and directed her fleeting gaze that had flickered around the room for exits back to his own burning eyes.

"Excuse me?" Athena couldn't help but scoff. "Nothing you do will ever force me back in there."

Aku sighed. "Perhaps you can be persuaded." He waved his hand and the ring erupted in cheers.

A tall boy, in his late teens, stepped out onto the rust colored concrete. His hair was dark blue, so close to the shade of her own that Athena had to resist physically reaching up to brush her fingers across the strands. His face was covered by the hood of his sweater, but Athena could tell.

His shoulders curved inwards, his face angled down. His hands hung limp at his side, unmoving and loose.

Everything about him told Athena that he was about to massacre the kid who stepped up to fight.

She frowned.

"He's the new you." Aku mused, clearly enjoying the way that Athena's body tensed. She glanced back at him, blue eyes meeting gold.

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