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Devale 1 year later.

"Yes I'm six months and Delilah just turned 2 August 7th 2 months ago, my due date February next year." Crystal told the interviewer

It is November 11th 2023 and she is due February 6th 2024, we are on our 2nd year of marriage.

"So how's everything going raising Delilah, she's in her terrible twos you know?" Crystal and I both laughed.

"It's so funny because she in the terrible twos but she's not terrible at all, she's a ray of sunshine." I smiled thinking about it.

"I love my little girl, and I can't wait for my second bundle of joy!" I leaned in to kiss Crystal.

The whole crowd awe'd, "I hate to ask this but this is what we all want to know, how is everything like with the boys and Khadeem?"

"We don't communicate with her really well, after the wedding everything went left." Crystal explained.

"I don't know if it was like a reality snap for her and she was like oh god this is real you know?" She looked to me for support and I nodded.

"Yes, she's changed every since the wedding she's been more harder to coparent with." I let the interviewer know.

"And how is it with the boys?" , "We rarely see them unless it's like the holidays or birthdays." She was looking at us so crazy.

"Wow that is so crazy, I mean I've always been a fan of you and her and I loved seeing the videos with the kids and stuff and as a fan I miss seeing those Kairo's Korner and Judge Jacks skits."

I thanked her and shrugged, "It is what it is you know, we don't fight it or her because we're tired, im 6 months."

"I honestly felt bad about what had happened for a very very long time but I cannot keep holding that hurt for her." she said.

"At some point in life you have to get off your ass and on your feet, it may hurt a while but you have to be able to bounce back."

"Exactly, if we really wanted to we could file for full custody but instead we let her have the children." I informed her.

"We've been working none stop and doing things for us and our daughter." I preached, I was done with the bullshit.

"The last thing I said to Kay was if you want to be an asshole you do that but when those kids grow up to resent you, you leave me out of it."

Everyone in the crowd clapped and cheered, we spoke with her for about 20 more minutes before the interview was over.

"We have to get Delilah from Deja." Crystal said as I started the car, I made a u-turn and was at Deja's home in 2 minutes.

We both got out the car and walked up to her door, I rung the bell and her husband opened the door in seconds.

"Wassup fam," he dapped me up and gave Crystal a side hug. We walked in and went to the living room.

"Hi brother!" Deja came over to hug me, "Hi bestie." She kissed Crystal's cheek then her belly. "Wassup sis."

"Hi baby, where's tootie?" Deja walked over to the couch and pushed the pillows off showing Lilah.

She picked her up and handed her to me, "dada!!" She yelled once she saw my face, that's all she says.

"Baby baby?" She looked over at Crystal getting to get into her arms, she always calls Crystal Baby, it's probably because of me.

"Hi tootie booty!"'Crystal grabbed her attacking her with kisses, "Where's my nephew?" I asked my sister.

"Boy he with mama, his lil bad ass gone get suspended." she rolled her eyes and I laughed. "What he do?" Crystal asked letting tootie down.

"His lil bad ass gone curse at his teacher, got 3 days." she informed me, "I just know mama beat his ass, she hate that shit."

"That's why I sent his ass over there, you know ima cupcake." She laughed and I nodded, she was the definition of a cupcake.

Her ass wouldn't hurt a fly, we caught up with her for a minute then left to go home.

Delilah was sleep by the time we made it home so I took her straight up to her bedroom. "She's out." I told my wife.

"Good, she be whining all night." Crystal said and I agreed, one thing about Tootie is she gone whine.

"Can I get a kiss?" Crystal came over and kissed my lips a couple of times before going back to brushing her teeth.

She did her little routine and I did mine afterwards, after I finished we laid in bed together and I held her close to me.

"Goodnight Mrs.Ellis," "Goodnight Mr.Ellis."

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