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Devale Ellis
Two months later

"Girl if you bite my finger again, eat the ice!" I said to Crystal, she went into labor early and now she's panicking.

I'm feeding her ice but her greedy ass keep biting my hands and shit. "Oh shut the hell up D." Her mom spoke.

I was taken back, "Ma that's her!" I whined, next thing I knew I was popped 2 times on my neck.

"Be quiet." My mom said, I huffed and continued to feed her ice until Dr.Jefferson came back.

"Okay we're 10 centimeters dilated and it's time for you to push." Reign aka Dr.Jefferson spoke.

"I can't!!" Crystal yelled, she acting like she ain't did this before. "It don't hurt any less the second time Mr.Ellis."

I looked up and noticed all the women looking at me meaning I said it out loud. "Okay okay, let's be serious!"

I already had on scrubs, 3 female nurses came in the room and I stood beside Crystal. I grabbed her hand.

"Come on baby." I leaned down and pecked her cheek two times. She pushed once, "I see the head, come on Crys!" Reign spoke.

She pushed again and she popped right out crying loudly, see I knew it was a good idea to use that stuff from tiktok.

"Well that was rather easy," Reign said with a huge smile, "She's perfect," I said as they handed her to Crystal.

I cut the umbilical cord, "Awwn my baby," Crystal said as tears ran down her face.

After a while she handed her to me, I helped her taking in her beauty. We got to stay with her for a while before they took her to the NICU.

There wasn't anything wrong with her from the outside but they still had to make sure she was fine.

"Okay parents, we need signatures and names." One of the nurses came in with the clipboard, "Dior Mckenli Ellis."

"That's beautiful." Chandra, Crystal's mom said as they re-entered the room. "What does it mean?"

"I'm French Dior means Golden and Mckenli means Peaceful, we just threw them together." Crystal said with a laugh.

"Well I think they're perfect." Reign said with a smile as she brung our daughter back, she handed her to Crystal.

The three of them left the room leaving us there alone with our second bundle of joy.

"Babe I love you, and I just want to apologize for this shit I've put you through this pregnancy. I know it's been hard but it's going to get better."

I kissed her and she smiled, "I love you so much more." I pulled up the couch next to her bed and laid down.

We didn't post on instagram or go live or even tell anyone beside our moms that we had given birth.

"Mommy Daddy!" I looked up and saw Delilah entering the room, "Sugarplum just wanted to come be with her baby sister."

I thanked my mother and she left, I went over and grabbed Delilah. I brung her over to the couch.

"Hi baby," Crystal said to her pecking her nose, she's smiled. "I see her?" We both nodded and Crystal handed me her so I could show Lilah.

She kissed all over her face, Crystal and I just watched in awe at our two blessing having their cute moment.

"Her pretty!" She said as I handed her back to Crystal, "I know baby." I said to her, Crystal put Dior in the incubator next to her bed.

I grabbed the cover and laid down and Lilah climbed in the bed with Crystal. "Goodnight sleepy heads." Crystal laughed.

Delilah had already closed her eyes so that let me know she was tired as hell cause that damn girl got all the energy in the world.

Soon after I fell asleep and didn't wake up until it was my turn to keep an eye on the baby, I let Cry sleep and I stayed up until the morning.

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